Source code for ALLCools.plot.sunburst

from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib import colors
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes

from .color import plot_colorbar
from .utilities import tight_hue_range

[docs]def sunbrust( pie_data, ax, hue=None, hue_portion=0.5, cmap="viridis", colorbar=True, colorbar_kws=None, inner_radius=0.25, outer_radius=1, anno_col=None, text_anno="text", anno_layer_size=0.05, col_color_dict=None, startangle=0, anno_ang_min=5, anno_border=1.2, text_expend=1.05, uniform_section=False, order_dict=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- pie_data Tidy dataframe ax hue hue_portion cmap colorbar colorbar_kws inner_radius outer_radius anno_col text_anno anno_layer_size col_color_dict startangle anno_ang_min anno_border text_expend uniform_section order_dict Returns ------- """ return_axes = [ax] if order_dict is None: order_dict = {} # prepare hue colormap if hue is not None: if isinstance(hue, str): hue_data = pie_data.pop(hue) elif isinstance(hue, pd.Series): hue_data = hue else: hue_data = pd.Series(hue, index=pie_data.index) if not isinstance(cmap, colors.Colormap): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) cmap.set_bad("gray") vmin, vmax = tight_hue_range(hue_data, hue_portion) norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) col_color_dict = {} for col_name, col in pie_data.iteritems(): reduce_col_data = hue_data.groupby(col).mean() col_color_dict[col_name] = { k: mapper.to_rgba(v) for k, v in reduce_col_data.iteritems() } # make colorbar if colorbar: _colorbar_kws = { "labelsize": 4, "linewidth": 0.5, "orientation": "vertical", } if colorbar_kws is None: colorbar_kws = {} _colorbar_kws.update(colorbar_kws) bbox_to_anchor = _colorbar_kws.pop("bbox_to_anchor") cax = inset_axes( ax, width="3%", height="25%", loc="lower right", borderpad=0, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_to_anchor, ) cax = plot_colorbar( cax, cmap=cmap, cnorm=norm, hue_norm=(vmin, vmax),, **_colorbar_kws, ) return_axes.append(cax) # prepare data if uniform_section: dedup_groups = ( pie_data.reset_index() .set_index(pie_data.columns.tolist()) .index.drop_duplicates() ) dedup_groups = pd.DataFrame(dedup_groups.tolist(), columns=pie_data.columns) pie_data = dedup_groups # prepare color _col_color_dict = {col: None for col in pie_data.columns} if col_color_dict is not None: _col_color_dict.update(col_color_dict) # prepare plot parameters ncols = pie_data.columns.size if anno_col is None: anno_layer_size = 0 outer_radius = outer_radius - anno_layer_size layer_size = (outer_radius - inner_radius) / ncols # plot multiple donuts previous_order = pd.Series([]) anno_wedges = [] anno_names = [] for col, col_name in enumerate(pie_data.columns): cur_radius = inner_radius + (col + 1) * layer_size col_pie_data = pie_data[col_name].value_counts() # manage order if col_name in order_dict: _ordered_data = col_pie_data.reindex(pd.Index(order_dict[col_name])) previous_order = _ordered_data else: if col == 0: _ordered_data = col_pie_data previous_order = _ordered_data else: records = [] for section in previous_order.index: section_subs = pie_data[pie_data.iloc[:, col - 1] == section][ col_name ].unique() records.append( col_pie_data.reindex(pd.Index(section_subs)).sort_values( ascending=False ) ) _ordered_data = pd.concat(records) previous_order = _ordered_data # plot the real pie charts pie_color = _col_color_dict[col_name] if isinstance(pie_color, dict): pie_color = [pie_color[i] for i in _ordered_data.index] ax.pie( _ordered_data, radius=cur_radius, colors=pie_color, startangle=startangle, wedgeprops=dict(width=layer_size, edgecolor="w"), ) # plot an additional thin layer to anchor anno label if anno_col == col: wedges, texts = ax.pie( _ordered_data, radius=outer_radius + anno_layer_size, colors=pie_color, startangle=startangle, wedgeprops=dict(width=anno_layer_size, edgecolor="w"), ) if text_anno: anno_wedges = wedges anno_names = _ordered_data.index.tolist() # annotate wedges for i, p in enumerate(anno_wedges): delta_ang = p.theta2 - p.theta1 if delta_ang < anno_ang_min: continue ang = (p.theta2 - p.theta1) / 2.0 + p.theta1 y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang)) x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang)) if text_anno == "anno_box": # wedges annotation bbox_props = dict( boxstyle="round,pad=0.2", fc="#FFFFFF88", ec="#00000022", lw=0.72 ) kw = dict( xycoords="data", textcoords="data", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-", color="#00000055"), bbox=bbox_props, zorder=0, va="center", ) # separate all y y_niche = np.arange(-anno_border, anno_border, anno_border / 10) allow_y_niche = OrderedDict(enumerate(y_niche)) horizontalalignment = {-1: "right", 1: "left"}[int(np.sign(x))] connectionstyle = f"angle,angleA=0,angleB={ang},rad=5" kw["arrowprops"].update({"connectionstyle": connectionstyle}) suitable_niche = np.abs( np.array(list(allow_y_niche.values())) - anno_border * y ).argmin() suitable_niche = list(allow_y_niche.keys())[suitable_niche] y_niche = allow_y_niche.pop(suitable_niche) ax.annotate( anno_names[i], xy=(x, y), xytext=(anno_border * np.sign(x), y_niche), horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, **kw, ) elif text_anno == "text": ha = "left" if x < 0: # left side label ang += 180 ha = "right" if ang > 180: # so label will not be up-side-down ang = ang - 360 ax.text( x * text_expend, y * text_expend, anno_names[i], fontdict=None, withdash=False, rotation=ang, va="center", ha=ha, rotation_mode="anchor", ) elif text_anno is None: pass else: raise ValueError( f'text_anno can only be "text", "anno_box" or None, got {text_anno}' ) if len(return_axes) == 1: return ax else: return tuple(return_axes)