
Perform Balanced PCA as well as Reproducible PCA (A class allow user provide fitted model and just transform MCDS to adata with PCs)

Module Contents

log_scale(adata, method='standard', with_mean=False, with_std=True, max_value=10, scaler=None)[source]

Perform log transform and then scale the cell-by-feature matrix

  • adata – adata with normalized, unscaled cell-by-feature matrix

  • method – the type of scaler to use: ‘standard’ for sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler; ‘robust’ for sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler.

  • with_mean – Whether scale with mean center

  • with_std – Whether scale the std

  • max_value – Whether clip large values after scale

  • scaler – A fitted sklearn scaler, if provided, will only use it to transform the adata.


Return type

adata.X is scaled in place, the fitted scaler object will be return if the scaler parameter is None.

significant_pc_test(adata: anndata.AnnData, p_cutoff=0.1, update=True, obsm='X_pca', downsample=50000)[source]

Perform two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit on two adjacent PCs, select top PCs based on the p_cutoff. Top PCs have significantly different distributions, while later PCs only capturing random noise will have larger p-values. An idea from [Zeisel et al., 2018].

  • adata – adata with PC matrix calculated and stored in adata.obsm

  • p_cutoff – the p-value cutoff to select top PCs

  • update – Whether modify adata.obsm and only keep significant PCs

  • obsm – name of the PC matrix in adata.obsm

  • downsample – If the dataset is too large, downsample the cells before testing.


number of PCs selected

Return type


balanced_pca(adata: anndata.AnnData, groups: str = 'pre_clusters', max_cell_prop=0.1, n_comps=200, scale=False)[source]

Given a categorical variable (e.g., a pre-clustering label), perform balanced PCA by downsample cells in the large categories to make the overall population more balanced, so the PCs are expected to represent more variance among small categories.

  • adata – adata after preprocessing and feature selection steps

  • groups – the name of the categorical variable in adata.obsm

  • max_cell_prop – any single category with cells > n_cell * max_cell_prop will be downsampled to this number.

  • n_comps – Number of components in PCA

  • scale – whether to scale the input matrix before PCA


Return type

adata with PC information stored in obsm, varm and uns like the do.

get_pc_centers(adata: anndata.AnnData, group: str, outlier_label=None, obsm='X_pca')[source]

Get the cluster centroids of the PC matrix

  • adata – adata with cluster labels in obs and PC in obsm

  • group – the name of cluster labels in adata.obs

  • outlier_label – if there are outlier labels in obs, will exclude outliers before calculating centroids.

  • obsm – the key of PC matrix in obsm


a dataframe for cluster centroids by PC

Return type


class ReproduciblePCA(scaler, mc_type, adata=None, pca_obj=None, pc_loading=None, var_names=None, max_value=10)[source]
mcds_to_adata(self, mcds)[source]

Get adata from MCDS with only selected features


mcds (Input raw count MCDS object) –


Adata with per-cell normalized mC fraction and selected features

Return type


scale(self, adata)[source]

Perform {func}`log_scale <ALLCools.clustering.balanced_pca.log_scale>` with fitted scaler


adata – Adata with per-cell normalized mC fraction and selected features


Return type

adata.X is transformed in place

pc_transform(self, adata)[source]

calculate the PC from adata.X and PC loading, store PCs in adata.obsm[“X_pca”] and loadings in adata.varm[“PCs”]


adata – Adata with log_scale transformed mC fraction and selected features


Return type

PC information stored in adata.obsm and varm

mcds_to_adata_with_pc(self, mcds)[source]

From raw count MCDS to adata object with PCs using fitted scaler and PC loadings. Steps include select features, calculate per-cell normalized mC fractions, log_scale transform the data with fitted scaler, and finally add PC matrix.


mcds – Raw count MCDS


anndata object with per-cell normalized, log scale transformed matrix in .X and PCs in adata.obsm[“X_pca”] and PC loadings in adata.varm[“PCs”]. The scale and PC are done with fitted model.

Return type


dump(self, path)[source]

Save the ReproduciblePCA to path