allcools standard

allcools standard

execute_command_and_return_markdown('allcools standardize-allc -h')
$ allcools standardize-allc -h
usage: allcools standardize-allc [-h] --allc_path ALLC_PATH --chrom_size_path
                                 [--compress_level COMPRESS_LEVEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --chrom_size_path CHROM_SIZE_PATH
                        Path to UCSC chrom size file. This can be generated
                        from the genome fasta or downloaded via UCSC
                        fetchChromSizes tools. All ALLCools functions will
                        refer to this file whenever possible to check for
                        chromosome names and lengths, so it is crucial to use
                        a chrom size file consistent to the reference fasta
                        file ever since mapping. ALLCools functions will not
                        change or infer chromosome names. (default: None)
  --compress_level COMPRESS_LEVEL
                        Compression level for the output file (default: 5)
                        Whether to remove rows with unknown chromosome instead
                        of raising KeyError (default: False)

required arguments:
  --allc_path ALLC_PATH
                        Path to 1 ALLC file (default: None)