allcools region

allcools region

execute_command_and_return_markdown('allcools region -h')
$ allcools region -h
usage: allcools allc-to-region-count [-h] --allc_path ALLC_PATH
                                     --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                                     --chrom_size_path CHROM_SIZE_PATH
                                     --mc_contexts MC_CONTEXTS
                                     [MC_CONTEXTS ...] [--split_strand]
                                     [--region_bed_paths REGION_BED_PATHS [REGION_BED_PATHS ...]]
                                     [--region_bed_names REGION_BED_NAMES [REGION_BED_NAMES ...]]
                                     [--bin_sizes BIN_SIZES [BIN_SIZES ...]]
                                     [--cov_cutoff COV_CUTOFF]
                                     [--save_zero_cov] [--cpu CPU]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --split_strand        If true, Watson (+) and Crick (-) strands will be
                        count separately (default: False)
  --region_bed_paths REGION_BED_PATHS [REGION_BED_PATHS ...]
                        Arbitrary genomic regions can be defined in several
                        BED files to count on. Space separated paths to each
                        BED files, The fourth column of the BED file should be
                        unique id of the regions. (default: None)
  --region_bed_names REGION_BED_NAMES [REGION_BED_NAMES ...]
                        Space separated names for each BED file provided in
                        region_bed_paths. (default: None)
  --bin_sizes BIN_SIZES [BIN_SIZES ...]
                        Fix-size genomic bins can be defined by bin_sizes and
                        chrom_size_path. Space separated sizes of genome bins,
                        each size will be count separately. (default: None)
  --cov_cutoff COV_CUTOFF
                        Max cov filter for a single site in ALLC. Sites with
                        cov > cov_cutoff will be skipped. (default: 9999)
  --save_zero_cov       If present, save the regions that have 0 cov in
                        output, only apply to region count but not the
                        chromosome count. (default: False)
  --cpu CPU             Number of processes to use in parallel. This function
                        parallel on region level and will generate a bunch of
                        small files if cpu > 1. Do not use cpu > 1 for single
                        cell region count. For single cell data, parallel on
                        cell level is better. (default: 1)

required arguments:
  --allc_path ALLC_PATH, -allc ALLC_PATH
                        Path to 1 ALLC file (default: None)
  --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX, -out OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        Path prefix of the output region count file. (default:
  --chrom_size_path CHROM_SIZE_PATH
                        Path to UCSC chrom size file. This can be generated
                        from the genome fasta or downloaded via UCSC
                        fetchChromSizes tools. All ALLCools functions will
                        refer to this file whenever possible to check for
                        chromosome names and lengths, so it is crucial to use
                        a chrom size file consistent to the reference fasta
                        file ever since mapping. ALLCools functions will not
                        change or infer chromosome names. (default: None)
  --mc_contexts MC_CONTEXTS [MC_CONTEXTS ...]
                        Space separated mC context patterns to extract from
                        ALLC. The context length should be the same as ALLC
                        file context. Context pattern follows IUPAC nucleotide
                        code, e.g. N for ATCG, H for ATC, Y for CT. (default: