Source code for ALLCools.plot.genome_track._pygenometrack

Modified from pygenometracks

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import time
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from configparser import ConfigParser

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.textpath
import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as axisartist
import numpy as np
from pygenometracks.tracks.GenomeTrack import GenomeTrack
from pygenometracks.utilities import InputError
from pygenometracks.utilities import file_to_intervaltree, change_chrom_names


warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ndarray size changed")
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=ImportWarning)

# import warnings
# warnings.filterwarnings('error')

[docs]FORMAT = "[%(levelname)s:%(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)20s()] %(message)s"
[docs]log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logging.basicConfig() # log = logging.getLogger("tracksClass") log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs]DEFAULT_TRACK_HEIGHT = 0.5 # in centimeters
[docs]DEFAULT_FIGURE_WIDTH = 40 # in centimeters
# proportion of width dedicated to (figure, legends)
[docs]DEFAULT_WIDTH_RATIOS = (0.01, 0.90, 0.1)
[docs]DEFAULT_MARGINS = {'left': 0.04, 'right': 0.92, 'bottom': 0.03, 'top': 0.97}
[docs]class MultiDict(OrderedDict): """ Class to allow identically named sections in configuration file by appending the section number for example: 1. section name """
[docs] _unique = 0
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, val): if isinstance(val, OrderedDict): self._unique += 1 key = f"{str(self._unique)}. [{key}]" OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, val)
[docs]class PlotTracks(object): def __init__(self, config, fig_width=DEFAULT_FIGURE_WIDTH, fig_height=None, fontsize=None, dpi=None, track_label_width=None, plot_regions=None, plot_width=None): self.fig_width = fig_width self.fig_height = fig_height self.dpi = dpi self.vlines_intval_tree = None self.vlines_properties = None self.track_list = [] start = self.print_elapsed(None) self.available_tracks = self.get_available_tracks() self.parse_tracks(config, plot_regions=plot_regions) if fontsize: fontsize = fontsize else: fontsize = float(fig_width) * 0.3 # the track label width is the fraction of # the figure width that is used # for the track 'title' or label. if track_label_width is None: self.width_ratios = DEFAULT_WIDTH_RATIOS else: self.width_ratios = (0.01, 1 - track_label_width, track_label_width) # Process the width: if plot_width is not None: self.fig_width = plot_width / ( DEFAULT_MARGINS['right'] - DEFAULT_MARGINS['left']) * ( 1 + 2 / 3 * 0.01) / ( self.width_ratios[1] / sum(self.width_ratios)) font = {'size': fontsize} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) # initialize each track self.track_obj_list = [] for idx, properties in enumerate(self.track_list):"initialize {properties['section_name']}") # the track_class is obtained from the available tracks track_class = self.available_tracks[properties['file_type']] properties['region'] = plot_regions self.track_obj_list.append(track_class(properties))"time initializing track(s):") self.print_elapsed(start) @staticmethod
[docs] def get_available_tracks(): avail_tracks = {} work = [GenomeTrack] while work: parent = work.pop() for child in parent.__subclasses__(): if child not in avail_tracks: track_type = child.TRACK_TYPE avail_tracks[track_type] = child work.append(child) # plus tracks defined in ALLCools from .HiCMatrixCoolTrack import HiCMatrixCoolTrack avail_tracks['cooler'] = HiCMatrixCoolTrack # swap the GtfTrack in pygenometracks with this class in ALLCools from .GtfTrack import GtfTrack avail_tracks['gtf'] = GtfTrack return avail_tracks
[docs] def get_tracks_height(self, start_region=None, end_region=None): """ The main purpose of the following loop is to get the height of each of the tracks because for the Hi-C the height is variable with respect to the range being plotted, the function is called when each plot is going to be printed. Args: start_region: start of the region to plot. Only used in case the plot is a Hi-C matrix end_region: end of the region to plot. Only used in case the plot is a Hi-C matrix Returns: """ track_height = [] for i, track_dict in enumerate(self.track_list): if i == 0 and track_dict['overlay_previous'] != 'no': log.warning("First track can not have the `overlay_previous` option.\n") self.track_list[i]['overlay_previous'] = 'no' # if overlay_previous is set to a value other than no # then, skip this track height if track_dict['overlay_previous'] != 'no': continue elif 'height' in track_dict: height = track_dict['height'] elif track_dict['file_type'] == 'x_axis': height = track_dict['fontsize'] / 8 elif 'depth' in track_dict and \ track_dict['file_type'] in ('hic_matrix', 'cooler'): # compute the height of a Hi-C track # based on the depth such that the # resulting plot appears proportional # # /|\ # / | \ # / |d \ d is the depth that we want to be proportional # / | \ when plotted in the figure # ------------------ # region len # # d (in cm) = depth (in bp) * 0.5 * # width (in cm) / region len (in bp) # to compute the actual width of the figure the margins # and the region # set for the legends have to be considered # DEFAULT_MARGINS['right'] - DEFAULT_MARGINS['left'] # is the proportion of plotting area # This plotting area is divided in three part as specified in # self.width_ratios (normalized to 1) # And as wspace is specified 0.01, # 0.01 of the mean of the 3 regions is not occupied. # 1 / (1 + 2 / 3 * 0.01) is used to plot. hic_width = \ self.fig_width * \ (DEFAULT_MARGINS['right'] - DEFAULT_MARGINS['left']) / \ (1 + 2 / 3 * 0.01) * \ self.width_ratios[1] / sum(self.width_ratios) # the scale factor is to obtain each bin as a square # (a 45 degree rotated matrix) scale_factor = 0.5 depth = min(track_dict['depth'], int((end_region - start_region) * 1.25)) height = scale_factor * depth * hic_width / (end_region - start_region) else: height = DEFAULT_TRACK_HEIGHT self.track_list[i]['height'] = height track_height.append(height) return track_height
[docs] def plot(self, chrom, start, end, file_name=None, title=None, h_align_titles='left', decreasing_x_axis=False): track_height = self.get_tracks_height(start_region=start, end_region=end) if self.fig_height: fig_height = self.fig_height else: fig_height = sum(track_height) / \ (DEFAULT_MARGINS['top'] - DEFAULT_MARGINS['bottom']) log.debug(f"Figure size in cm is {self.fig_width} x {fig_height}." f" Dpi is set to {self.dpi}\n") fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.cm2inch(self.fig_width, fig_height)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0.0, left=DEFAULT_MARGINS['left'], right=DEFAULT_MARGINS['right'], bottom=DEFAULT_MARGINS['bottom'], top=DEFAULT_MARGINS['top']) if title: fig.suptitle(title) grids = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(len(track_height), 3, height_ratios=track_height, width_ratios=self.width_ratios, wspace=0.01) axis_list = [] # skipped_tracks is the count of tracks that have the # 'overlay_previous' parameter and should be skipped skipped_tracks = 0 plot_axis = None y_axis = None label_axis = None width_dpi = None ylim = None for idx, track in enumerate(self.track_obj_list):"plotting {['section_name']}") if['overlay_previous'] in ['yes', 'share-y']: overlay = True skipped_tracks += 1 else: overlay = False if['overlay_previous'] == 'share-y': ylim = plot_axis.get_ylim() else: idx -= skipped_tracks plot_axis = axisartist.Subplot(fig, grids[idx, 1]) fig.add_subplot(plot_axis) # turns off the lines around the tracks plot_axis.axis[:].set_visible(False) # to make the background transparent plot_axis.patch.set_visible(False) if not overlay: y_axis = plt.subplot(grids[idx, 0]) y_axis.set_axis_off() label_axis = plt.subplot(grids[idx, 2]) label_axis.set_axis_off() # I get the width of the label_axis to be able to wrap the # labels when right or center aligned. width_inch = label_axis.get_window_extent().width width_dpi = width_inch * self.dpi / fig.dpi if decreasing_x_axis: plot_axis.set_xlim(end, start) else: plot_axis.set_xlim(start, end) track.plot(plot_axis, chrom, start, end) track.plot_y_axis(y_axis, plot_axis) track.plot_label(label_axis, width_dpi=width_dpi, h_align=h_align_titles) if['overlay_previous'] == 'share-y': plot_axis.set_ylim(ylim) if not overlay: axis_list.append(plot_axis) if self.vlines_intval_tree: self.plot_vlines(axis_list, chrom, start, end) if file_name is not None: fig.savefig(file_name, dpi=self.dpi, transparent=False) return fig
[docs] def plot_vlines(self, axis_list, chrom_region, start_region, end_region): """ Plots dotted lines from the top of the first plot to the bottom of the last plot at the specified positions. :param axis_list: list of plotted axis :param chrom_region chromosome name :param start_region start position :param end_region end position :return: None """ vlines_list = [] if 'line_width' in self.vlines_properties: line_width = self.vlines_properties['line_width'] else: line_width = 0.5 if chrom_region not in list(self.vlines_intval_tree): chrom_region_before = chrom_region chrom_region = change_chrom_names(chrom_region) if chrom_region not in list(self.vlines_intval_tree): log.warning("*Warning*\nNo interval was found when " f"overlapping with both {chrom_region_before}:{start_region}-{end_region}" f" and {chrom_region}:{start_region}-{end_region} inside the " "file with vertical lines. " "No vertical lines will be " "plotted!!\n") return chrom_region = GenomeTrack.check_chrom_str_bytes(self.vlines_intval_tree, chrom_region) for region in sorted(self.vlines_intval_tree[chrom_region][start_region - 10000:end_region + 10000]): vlines_list.append(region.begin) for ax in axis_list: ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(vlines_list, ymin, ymax, linestyle='dashed', zorder=10, linewidth=line_width, color=(0, 0, 0, 0.7), alpha=0.5) return
[docs] def parse_tracks(self, tracks_file, plot_regions=None): """ Parses a configuration file :param tracks_file: file path containing the track configuration :param plot_regions: a list of tuple [(chrom1, start1, end1), (chrom2, start2, end2)] on which the data should be loaded here the vlines :return: array of dictionaries and vlines_file. One dictionary per track """ try: if isinstance(tracks_file, str) and not pathlib.Path(tracks_file).exists(): # assume the tracks_file are the config string import io handle = io.StringIO(tracks_file) else: handle = open(tracks_file, 'r') except OSError: # if the config string too long, path exists raise error. import io handle = io.StringIO(tracks_file) parser = ConfigParser(dict_type=MultiDict, strict=False) parser.read_file(handle) handle.close() tracks_file_path = os.path.dirname(tracks_file) track_list = [] for section_name in parser.sections(): # track_options is what will become the track_options = dict({"section_name": section_name}) all_keywords = [i[0] for i in parser.items(section_name)] # First we check if there is a skip set to true: if 'skip' in all_keywords and \ parser.getboolean(section_name, 'skip'): # In this case we just do not explore the section continue # Then the vlines are treated differently: if ('type', 'vlines') in parser.items(section_name): # The only thing to check is the file # There is no other parameters to use. if 'file' not in all_keywords: raise InputError(f"The section {section_name} is supposed to be a vline" " but there is no file.") track_options['file'] = parser.get(section_name, 'file') if 'line_width' in all_keywords: try: track_options['line_width'] = float(parser.get(section_name, 'line_width')) except ValueError: raise InputError(f"In section {section_name}, line_width " f"was set to {parser.get(section_name, 'line_width')}" " whereas we should have a float " "value.") extra_keywords = [k for k in all_keywords if k not in ['file', 'type', 'line_width']] if len(extra_keywords) > 0: log.warning("These parameters were specified but will not" f" be used {' '.join(extra_keywords)}.\n") self.vlines_properties = \ self.check_file_exists(track_options, tracks_file_path) continue # For the other cases, we will append properties dictionnaries # to the track_list # If the sections are spacer or x-axis we fill the file_type: # (They are special sections where the title defines the track type) if section_name.endswith('[spacer]'): track_options['file_type'] = 'spacer' track_options['track_class'] = SpacerTrack elif section_name.endswith('[x-axis]'): track_options['file_type'] = 'x_axis' track_options['track_class'] = XAxisTrack # For the others we need to have a 'file_type' # Either the file_type is part of the keywords elif 'file_type' in all_keywords: track_options['file_type'] = parser.get(section_name, 'file_type') if track_options['file_type'] not in self.available_tracks: raise InputError(f"Section {section_name}: the file_type " f"{track_options['file_type']} does not" " exists.\npossible file_type are:" f"{self.available_tracks.keys()}.") track_options['track_class'] = \ self.available_tracks[track_options['file_type']] # Or we guess it from the file: elif 'file' in all_keywords: track_options['file'] = parser.get(section_name, 'file') track_options['file_type'] = \ self.guess_filetype(track_options, self.available_tracks) track_options['track_class'] = \ self.available_tracks[track_options['file_type']] else: raise InputError(f"Section {section_name}: there is no file_type nor file " "specified and it is not a [spacer] nor a " "[x-axis] section. This is not a valid " "section.") # Now we should have a 'track_class' set. # We can get for it all the necessary and possible keywords track_class = track_options['track_class'] NECESSARY_PROPERTIES = track_class.NECESSARY_PROPERTIES for necessary_name in NECESSARY_PROPERTIES: if necessary_name not in all_keywords: raise InputError(f"The section {section_name} is " "describing a object of" f" type {track_class} but the necessary " f"property {necessary_name}" " is not part of the config file.") unused_keys = [] # Now we can proceed with the keywords: for name, value in parser.items(section_name): # To be removed in the next 1.0 version if ' ' in name: old_name = name name = '_'.join(name.split(' ')) log.warning(f"Deprecated Warning: The section {section_name} " f"uses parameter {old_name} but there is no more " "parameter with space in name. " f"Will be substituted by {name}.\n") else: old_name = name # end SYNONYMOUS_PROPERTIES = track_class.SYNONYMOUS_PROPERTIES # If the name is part of the synonymous we substitute by # the synonymous value if name in SYNONYMOUS_PROPERTIES and \ value in SYNONYMOUS_PROPERTIES[name]: track_options[name] = SYNONYMOUS_PROPERTIES[name][value] elif name in track_class.STRING_PROPERTIES: track_options[name] = value elif name in track_class.BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES: try: # I need to use old_name here else I get a KeyError: track_options[name] = parser.getboolean(section_name, old_name) # In the next 1.0 should be: # track_options[name] = parser.getboolean(section_name, # name) except ValueError: raise InputError(f"In section {section_name}, " f"{old_name} was set to {value}" " whereas we should have a boolean " "value. Please, use true or false.") # In the next 1.0 should be: # f"{name} was set to {value}" if value.lower() not in ['true', 'false']: log.warning("Deprecation Warning: " f"In section {section_name}, {name} was " f"set to {value}" " whereas in the future only" " true and false value will be" " accepted.\n") elif name in track_class.FLOAT_PROPERTIES: try: track_options[name] = float(value) except ValueError: raise InputError(f"In section {section_name}, {name} " f"was set to {value}" " whereas we should have a float " "value.") min_value, max_value = track_class.FLOAT_PROPERTIES[name] if track_options[name] < min_value or \ track_options[name] > max_value: raise InputError(f"In section {section_name}, {name} " f"was set to {value}" " whereas it should be between " f"{min_value} and {max_value}.") elif name in track_class.INTEGER_PROPERTIES: try: track_options[name] = int(value) except ValueError: raise InputError(f"In section {section_name}, {name} " f"was set to {value}" " whereas we should have an integer " "value.") min_value, max_value = track_class.INTEGER_PROPERTIES[name] if track_options[name] < min_value or \ track_options[name] > max_value: raise InputError(f"In section {section_name}, {name} " f"was set to {value}" " whereas it should be between " f"{min_value} and {max_value}.") else: unused_keys.append(name) # If there are unused keys they are printed in a warning. if len(unused_keys) > 0: log.warning(f"In section {section_name}, these parameters are " f"unused:{unused_keys}.\n") # The track_options will be checked for the file paths: track_options = self.check_file_exists(track_options, tracks_file_path, track_options['file_type'] == 'hic_matrix') # The 'overlay_previous' is initialized: if 'overlay_previous' not in track_options: track_options['overlay_previous'] = 'no' if track_options['overlay_previous'] not in ['no', 'yes', 'share-y']: raise InputError(f"In section {section_name}, overlay_previous " f"was set to {track_options['overlay_previous']}." " Possible options are no, yes, share-y") # If there is no title: if 'title' not in track_options: track_options['title'] = '' if track_options['overlay_previous'] == 'no' and \ track_options['track_class'] not in [SpacerTrack, XAxisTrack]: log.warning("title not set for section " f"{track_options['section_name']}\n") # The track_options are added to the track_list track_list.append(track_options) # Now that they were all checked self.track_list = track_list if self.vlines_properties: self.vlines_intval_tree, __, __ = \ file_to_intervaltree(self.vlines_properties['file'], plot_regions)
[docs] def close_files(self): """ Close all opened files """ for track in self.track_obj_list: track.__del__()
[docs] def check_file_exists(track_dict, tracks_path, is_hic=False): """ Checks if a file or list of files exists. If the file does not exist tries to check if the file may be relative to the track_file path, in such case the path is updated. :param track_dict: dictionary of track values. Should contain a 'file' key containing the path of the file or files to be checked separated by space For example: file1 file2 file3 :param tracks_path: path of the tracks file :param is_hic: :return: None """ for key in track_dict.keys(): if key.endswith("file"): file_field_name = key # # THIS COULD BE REMOVED IN A NEXT 1.0 VERSION if file_field_name == 'boundaries_file': log.warning("Deprecation Warning: " "The boundaries_file is not used anymore." " It will be ignored." " Please use another track with the" " `overlay_previous` option.\n") # # END file_names = [x for x in track_dict[file_field_name].split(" ") if x != ''] full_path_file_names = [] for file_name in file_names: if is_hic and not file_name.endswith('.h5'): file_name_to_check = file_name.split("::")[0] else: file_name_to_check = file_name try: open(file_name_to_check, 'r').close() full_path_file_names.append(file_name) except IOError: try: # try to find the file in the same path as the # track file name_with_tracks_path = tracks_path + "/" + file_name name_with_tracks_path_to_check = tracks_path + "/" + file_name_to_check open(name_with_tracks_path_to_check, 'r').close() full_path_file_names.append(name_with_tracks_path) except IOError: raise InputError(f"File in section [{track_dict['section_name']}] " f"not found:\n{file_name}\n\n") track_dict[file_field_name] = " ".join(full_path_file_names) return track_dict
[docs] def guess_filetype(track_dict, available_tracks): """ :param track_dict: dictionary of track values with the 'file' key containing a string path of the file or files. Only the ending of the last file is used in case when there are more files :param available_tracks: list of available tracks :return: string file type detected """ file_ = track_dict['file'].strip() file_type = None for track_type, track_class in available_tracks.items(): for ending in track_class.SUPPORTED_ENDINGS: if file_.endswith(ending): if file_type == track_class.TRACK_TYPE: raise InputError("file_type already defined in other" " GenomeTrack") else: file_type = track_class.TRACK_TYPE if file_type is None: raise InputError(f"Section {track_dict['section_name']}: can not " "identify file type. Please" " specify the file_type for '{file}'") return file_type
[docs] def cm2inch(*tupl): inch = 2.54 if isinstance(tupl[0], tuple): return tuple(i / inch for i in tupl[0]) else: return tuple(i / inch for i in tupl)
[docs] def print_elapsed(start): if start: - start) return time.time()
[docs]class SpacerTrack(GenomeTrack):
[docs] TRACK_TYPE = 'spacer'
[docs] STRING_PROPERTIES = ['overlay_previous', 'title', 'file_type']
[docs] FLOAT_PROPERTIES = {'height': [0, np.inf]}
[docs] def plot(self, ax, chrom_region, start_region, end_region): pass
[docs] def plot_y_axis(self, ax, plot_ax): pass
[docs]class XAxisTrack(GenomeTrack):
[docs] TRACK_TYPE = 'x_axis'
[docs] DEFAULTS_PROPERTIES = {'where': 'bottom', 'fontsize': 15}
[docs] POSSIBLE_PROPERTIES = {'where': ['top', 'bottom']}
[docs] STRING_PROPERTIES = ['overlay_previous', 'title', 'where', 'file_type']
[docs] FLOAT_PROPERTIES = {'fontsize': [0, np.inf], 'height': [0, np.inf]}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(XAxisTrack, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, ax, chrom_region, region_start, region_end): type(region_start) type(region_end) start, end = ax.get_xlim() if['where'] == 'top': ax.axis["x"] = ax.new_floating_axis(0, 0.2) ax.axis["x"].set_axis_direction("top") label_y_pos = 0.99 vert_align = 'top' else: ax.axis["x"] = ax.new_floating_axis(0, 0.9) label_y_pos = 0.01 vert_align = 'bottom' # First adjust the size of the label ax.axis["x"].major_ticklabels.set(['fontsize']) # Get the ticks values ticks = ax.get_xticks() if ticks[-1] - ticks[1] <= 1e3: labels = [f"{x:,.0f}" for x in ticks] labels[-2] += " b" elif ticks[-1] - ticks[1] <= 4e5: labels = [f"{x / 1000.0:,.0f}" for x in ticks] labels[-2] += " Kb" else: labels = [f"{x / 1000000.0:,.1f} " for x in ticks] labels[-2] += " Mbp" # Fix ticks values ax.set_xticks(ticks) # Fix the limits which can be overwritten by set_xticks: ax.set_xlim(start, end) # Put the label ax.set_xticklabels(labels) # Add the chromosome name ax.text(0.5, label_y_pos, chrom_region, horizontalalignment='center',['fontsize'], verticalalignment=vert_align, transform=ax.transAxes)
[docs] def plot_y_axis(self, ax, plot_ax): pass
[docs]def prepare_config(file_configs, add_spacer=True, spacer_height=0.5): """ Prepare pyGenomeTracks config string. Parameters ---------- file_configs A list of file paths, or a list of file config dicts, containing file path and other config. See pyGenomeTracks documentation for possible parameters. add_spacer Whether add spacer between tracks spacer_height spacer height in cm Returns ------- a single config string that can be read by PlotTracks """ config_str = f""" # pyGenomeTrack documentation: [x-axis] [spacer] height = {spacer_height} """ available_tracks = PlotTracks.get_available_tracks() for file_config in file_configs: if isinstance(file_config, (str, pathlib.Path)): # only file path provided file_config = {'file': file_config} if isinstance(file_config, dict): track_added = False if 'file' not in file_config: raise KeyError(f'file config dict do not contain "file" key. The provided config was \n{file_config}') file_path = file_config['file'] file_path = pathlib.Path(file_path) if 'title' not in file_config: label = ".".join(".")[0:-1]) file_config['title'] = label if'cool'): # assume cool file file_config['file_type'] = 'cooler' this_add_spacer = add_spacer overlay = file_config.get('overlay_previous') if overlay in {'yes', 'share-y'}: this_add_spacer = False if 'file_type' in file_config: track_type = file_config['file_type'] track_class = available_tracks[track_type] print(f"Adding {track_type} file: {}") config_str += _prepare_track_config(file_config=file_config, track_type=track_type, track_class=track_class, add_spacer=this_add_spacer, spacer_height=spacer_height) track_added = True else: for track_type, track_class in available_tracks.items(): for ending in track_class.SUPPORTED_ENDINGS: if print(f"Adding {track_type} file: {}\n") config_str += _prepare_track_config(file_config=file_config, track_type=track_type, track_class=track_class, add_spacer=this_add_spacer, spacer_height=spacer_height) track_added = True if track_added is False: print(f"WARNING: file format not recognized for: {}\n") print('Provide "file_type" key in the file config, or use supported endings:') for track_type, track_class in available_tracks.items(): print(f'{track_type}: {",".join(track_class.SUPPORTED_ENDINGS)}') else: raise TypeError(f'file_configs must be a list of file config dict, or file paths, ' f'got type {type(file_config)} with \n{file_config}') return config_str
[docs]def _prepare_track_config(file_config, track_type, track_class, add_spacer=True, spacer_height=0.5): config_str = '' if add_spacer: config_str += f"\n[spacer]\n" \ f"height = {spacer_height}\n" for required_config in track_class.NECESSARY_PROPERTIES: if required_config not in file_config: raise KeyError(f'file config dict of track_type {track_type} ' f'missing required config {required_config}. \n{file_config}') final_config = track_class.DEFAULTS_PROPERTIES.copy() final_config.update(file_config) kv_pairs = [] for k, v in final_config.items(): if v is None: kv_pair = f'{k} = none' # config ini recognize None as string else: kv_pair = f'{k} = {v}' if k not in file_config: # comment out default value: kv_pair = '#' + kv_pair kv_pairs.append(kv_pair) file_config_str = '\n'.join(kv_pairs) config_str += f"\n[{final_config['title']}]\n{file_config_str}" config_str += f'\n# See doc:{track_type}.html\n' return config_str