Source code for ALLCools.plot.dendro

import seaborn as sns
from import get_cmap
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram as _dendrogram
import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]def straight_branch(ax, a, b, plot_kws): """Draw link line between a and b""" a_x, ay = a bx, by = b branch_x = [a_x, bx, bx] branch_y = [ay, ay, by] if plot_kws is None: plot_kws = {} return ax.plot(branch_x, branch_y, **plot_kws)
[docs]def plot_dendrogram( linkage_df, ax, dendro=None, labels=None, dendro_kws=None, plot_node_id=False, plot_non_singleton=True, plot_kws=None, node_hue=None, node_hue_norm=None, node_hue_cbar=True, node_hue_cbar_frac=0.1, node_palette="viridis", # shared by both line and node hue node_size=None, node_size_norm=None, node_sizes=None, line_hue=None, line_hue_norm=None, line_palette="gray_r", linewidth=1.5, edge_color="gray", marker_size=60, marker_color="lightblue", ): """ Parameters ---------- linkage_df dendro labels dendro_kws ax plot_node_id plot_non_singleton plot_kws node_hue node_hue_norm node_hue_cbar node_hue_cbar_frac node_palette node_size node_size_norm node_sizes line_hue line_hue_norm line_palette linewidth edge_color marker_size marker_color Returns ------- """ if plot_kws is None: plot_kws = {} if dendro is None: if labels is None or linkage_df is None: raise ValueError( "linkage_df and labels must be provided to calculate dendrogram." ) print("Computing dendrogram") _dendro_kws = dict(no_plot=True) if dendro_kws is not None: _dendro_kws.update(dendro_kws) # all we need is the leaves order from dendrogram, # bellow we recalculate the node position to match the node id, # so we can control each node dendro = _dendrogram(linkage_df, labels=labels, **_dendro_kws) else: labels = dendro["ivl"] n_leaves = len(dendro["leaves"]) node_pos = {} # all node including singleton and non-singleton direct_link_map = {} # node linkage, keys only contain non-singleton for leaf_x, leaf in enumerate(dendro["leaves"]): # add singleton positions first node_pos[int(leaf)] = (leaf_x, 0) for i, (idx, (left, right, height, _)) in enumerate(linkage_df.iterrows()): node_id = int(i + linkage_df.shape[0] + 1) left = int(left) right = int(right) node_x = (node_pos[left][0] + node_pos[right][0]) / 2 node_pos[node_id] = [node_x, height] direct_link_map[node_id] = [int(left), int(right)] # ------------------ Plot nodes ------------------ # node colors nan_color = "#D3D3D3" if marker_color is None else marker_color if isinstance(node_palette, dict): # categorical node color node_colors = { node: node_palette[node] if (node in node_palette) else nan_color for node in node_pos.keys() } else: # continous node color if node_hue is not None: if node_hue_norm is None: values = node_hue.values _hue_norm = Normalize(vmin=min(values), vmax=max(values)) else: _hue_norm = Normalize(vmin=min(node_hue_norm), vmax=max(node_hue_norm)) _cmap = get_cmap(node_palette) def node_cmap(v): return (_cmap(_hue_norm(v)),) if node_hue_cbar: ax.figure.colorbar(, cmap=_cmap), ax=ax.figure.axes, shrink=0.6, fraction=node_hue_cbar_frac, label="Node Color", ) else: node_hue = {} def node_cmap(_): return nan_color node_colors = { node: node_cmap(node_hue[node]) if (node in node_hue) else nan_color for node in node_pos.keys() } # node sizes nan_size = marker_size if node_size is not None: if node_sizes is None: node_sizes = (marker_size, marker_size * 2) if node_size_norm is None: values = node_size.values _size_norm = Normalize(vmin=min(values), vmax=max(values)) else: _size_norm = Normalize(vmin=min(node_size_norm), vmax=max(node_size_norm)) def node_smap(v): v_norm = _size_norm(v) v_norm = min(1, max(0, v_norm)) # limit norm value to [0, 1] s = v_norm * (node_sizes[1] - node_sizes[0]) + node_sizes[0] return s else: node_size = {} def node_smap(_): return nan_size node_sizes = { node: node_smap(node_size[node]) if (node in node_size) else nan_size for node in node_pos.keys() } # plot nodes for node_id, (node_x, node_y) in node_pos.items(): if (node_id > len(dendro["leaves"]) - 1) and not plot_non_singleton: break ax.scatter( node_x, node_y, s=node_sizes[node_id], c=node_colors[node_id], clip_on=False, zorder=3, ) # ------------------ Plot edges and node id ------------------ # line color nan_color = "#D3D3D3" if edge_color is None else edge_color if line_hue is not None: if line_hue_norm is None: values = line_hue.values _hue_norm = Normalize(vmin=min(values), vmax=max(values)) else: _hue_norm = Normalize(vmin=min(line_hue_norm), vmax=max(line_hue_norm)) _cmap = get_cmap(line_palette) def line_cmap(v): return _cmap(_hue_norm(v)) else: line_hue = {} def line_cmap(_): return nan_color line_colors = { node: line_cmap(line_hue[node]) if (node in line_hue) else nan_color for node in node_pos.keys() } ymax = 0 for node_id, (node_x, node_y) in node_pos.items(): ymax = max(ymax, node_y) # plot node id text if plot_node_id: if node_id >= n_leaves: ax.text( node_x, node_y, node_id, fontsize=6 if "fontsize" not in plot_kws else plot_kws["fontsize"], ha="center", va="center", c="k", ) else: ax.text( node_x, -0.01, node_id, fontsize=6 if "fontsize" not in plot_kws else plot_kws["fontsize"], ha="center", va="center", c="k", ) # plot branch # only non-singleton node has branch: if node_id in direct_link_map: # get child left_child, right_child = direct_link_map[node_id] # plot left branch straight_branch( ax, (node_x, node_y), node_pos[left_child], plot_kws=dict( c=line_colors[left_child], linewidth=linewidth, clip_on=False ), ) # plot right branch straight_branch( ax, (node_x, node_y), node_pos[right_child], plot_kws=dict( c=line_colors[right_child], linewidth=linewidth, clip_on=False ), ) ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(labels) - 0.5) ax.set(xticks=range(len(labels)), xticklabels=dendro["ivl"]) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=90) sns.despine(ax=ax, bottom=True, offset=15) return dendro, node_pos