Source code for ALLCools.plot.continuous_scatter

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from import get_cmap, ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
import copy
import anndata
import pandas as pd

from .color import plot_colorbar
from .contour import density_contour
from .text_anno_scatter import _text_anno_scatter
from .utilities import (

[docs]def tight_hue_range(hue_data, portion): """Automatic select a SMALLEST data range that covers [portion] of the data""" hue_data = hue_data[np.isfinite(hue_data)] hue_quantile = hue_data.quantile(q=np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)) min_window_right = ( hue_quantile.rolling(window=int(portion * 100)) .apply(lambda i: i.max() - i.min(), raw=True) .idxmin() ) min_window_left = max(0, min_window_right - portion) vmin, vmax = tuple(hue_data.quantile(q=[min_window_left, min_window_right])) if np.isfinite(vmin): vmin = max(hue_data.min(), vmin) else: vmin = hue_data.min() if np.isfinite(vmax): vmax = min(hue_data.max(), vmax) else: vmax = hue_data.max() if vmin == vmax: return hue_data.min(), hue_data.max() return vmin, vmax
[docs]def continuous_scatter( data, ax, coord_base="umap", x=None, y=None, scatter_kws=None, hue=None, hue_norm=None, hue_portion=0.95, cmap="viridis", colorbar=True, colorbar_label_kws=None, size=None, size_norm=None, size_portion=0.95, sizes=None, sizebar=True, text_anno=None, dodge_text=False, dodge_kws=None, text_anno_kws=None, text_anno_palette=None, text_transform=None, axis_format="tiny", max_points=5000, s=5, labelsize=4, linewidth=0.5, cax=None, zoomxy=1.05, outline=None, outline_kws=None, outline_pad=2, return_fig=False, rasterized='auto', ): if isinstance(data, anndata.AnnData): adata = data data = adata.obs x = f"{coord_base}_0" y = f"{coord_base}_1" _data = pd.DataFrame( { "x": adata.obsm[f"X_{coord_base}"][:, 0], "y": adata.obsm[f"X_{coord_base}"][:, 1], }, index=adata.obs_names, ) else: # add coords _data, x, y = _extract_coords(data, coord_base, x, y) # _data has 2 cols: "x" and "y" # down sample plot data if needed. if max_points is not None: if _data.shape[0] > max_points: _data = _density_based_sample( _data, seed=1, size=max_points, coords=["x", "y"] ) # determine rasterized if rasterized == 'auto': if _data.shape[0] > 200: rasterized = True else: rasterized = False # default scatter options _scatter_kws = {"linewidth": 0, "s": s, "legend": None, 'rasterized': rasterized} if scatter_kws is not None: _scatter_kws.update(scatter_kws) # deal with color if hue is not None: if isinstance(hue, str): _data["hue"] = data[hue].astype(float) colorbar_label = hue else: _data["hue"] = hue.astype(float) colorbar_label = hue = "hue" if hue_norm is None: # get the smallest range that include "hue_portion" of data hue_norm = tight_hue_range(_data["hue"], hue_portion) # cnorm is the normalizer for color cnorm = Normalize(vmin=hue_norm[0], vmax=hue_norm[1]) if isinstance(cmap, str): # from here, cmap become colormap object cmap = copy.copy(get_cmap(cmap)) cmap.set_bad(color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) else: if not isinstance(cmap, ScalarMappable): raise TypeError( f"cmap can only be str or ScalarMappable, got {type(cmap)}" ) else: hue_norm = None cnorm = None colorbar_label = "" # deal with size if size is not None: if isinstance(size, str): _data["size"] = data[size].astype(float) else: _data["size"] = size.astype(float) size = "size" if size_norm is None: # get the smallest range that include "size_portion" of data size_norm = tight_hue_range(_data["size"], size_portion) # snorm is the normalizer for size size_norm = Normalize(vmin=size_norm[0], vmax=size_norm[1]) # replace s with sizes s = _scatter_kws.pop("s") if sizes is None: sizes = (min(s, 1), s) else: size_norm = None sizes = None sns.scatterplot( x="x", y="y", data=_data, hue=hue, palette=cmap, hue_norm=cnorm, size=size, sizes=sizes, size_norm=size_norm, ax=ax, **_scatter_kws, ) if text_anno is not None: if isinstance(text_anno, str): _data["text_anno"] = data[text_anno] else: _data["text_anno"] = text_anno _text_anno_scatter( data=_data[["x", "y", "text_anno"]], ax=ax, x="x", y="y", dodge_text=dodge_text, dodge_kws=dodge_kws, palette=text_anno_palette, text_transform=text_transform, anno_col="text_anno", text_anno_kws=text_anno_kws, labelsize=labelsize, ) # deal with outline if outline: if isinstance(outline, str): _data["outline"] = data[outline] else: _data["outline"] = outline _outline_kws = { "linewidth": linewidth, "palette": None, "c": "lightgray", "single_contour_pad": outline_pad, } if outline_kws is not None: _outline_kws.update(outline_kws) density_contour( ax=ax, data=_data, x="x", y="y", groupby="outline", **_outline_kws ) # clean axis if axis_format == "tiny": _make_tiny_axis_label(ax, x, y, arrow_kws=None, fontsize=labelsize) elif (axis_format == "empty") or (axis_format is None): sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True) ax.set(xticks=[], yticks=[], xlabel=None, ylabel=None) else: pass return_axes = [ax] # make color bar if colorbar and (hue is not None): _colorbar_label_kws = dict( fontsize=labelsize, label=hue, labelpad=10, rotation=270 ) if colorbar_label_kws is not None: _colorbar_label_kws.update(colorbar_label_kws) # small ax for colorbar if cax is None: cax = inset_axes( ax, width="3%", height="25%", loc="lower right", borderpad=0 ) cax = plot_colorbar( cax=cax, cmap=cmap, cnorm=cnorm, hue_norm=hue_norm, label=colorbar_label, orientation="vertical", labelsize=labelsize, linewidth=0.5, ) return_axes.append(cax) # make size bar if sizebar and (size is not None): # TODO plot dot size bar pass if zoomxy is not None: zoom_ax(ax, zoomxy) if return_fig: return tuple(return_axes), _data else: return