Source code for ALLCools.motif.motifs

from Bio import motifs, SeqIO
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pathlib
import subprocess
from ..mcds.utilities import write_ordered_chunks
from ..mcds import RegionDS

[docs]def _get_motif_threshold(motif, method, threshold_value): if method == "patser": value = motif.pssm.distribution().threshold_patser() elif method == "balanced": value = motif.pssm.distribution().threshold_balanced(threshold_value) elif method == "fpr": value = motif.pssm.distribution().threshold_fpr(threshold_value) elif method == "fnr": value = motif.pssm.distribution().threshold_fnr(threshold_value) else: raise ValueError( f'Method needs to be ["patser", "balanced", "fpr", "fnr"], got {method}. ' f"Check this page for more details:" f"notebooks/14%20-%20Sequence%20motif%20analysis%20using%20Bio.motifs.html" f"#Selecting-a-score-threshold" ) return value
[docs]def _single_seq_single_motif_max_score(seq, motif, threshold): if len(seq) < motif.length: return 0, 0, 0 # position and direction information can be collected in # but not used here scores = [i[1] for i in, threshold=threshold)] n_sites = len(scores) if n_sites == 0: max_score = 0 total_score = 0 else: max_score = max(scores) total_score = sum(scores) return n_sites, max_score, total_score
[docs]class MotifSet: def __init__(self, motifs, meta_table=None, motif_cluster_col="cluster_id"): self.motif_list = motifs self.motif_dict = { motif for motif in self.motif_list} self.motif_name_list = [ for motif in self.motif_list] self.n_motifs = len(self.motif_list) self.thresholds = {} # meta table index is not unique, because one motif may corresponding to multiple gene self.meta_table = meta_table # add motif cluster and remove duplicates if meta_table is not None: self.motif_cluster = pd.Series(meta_table[motif_cluster_col].to_dict()) = "motif"
[docs] def calculate_threshold(self, method="balanced", cpu=1, threshold_value=1000): # execute in parallel with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as exe: futures = {} for motif in self.motif_list: f = exe.submit( _get_motif_threshold, method=method, motif=motif, threshold_value=threshold_value, ) futures[f] = count = 0 print("Calculating motif threshold: ", end="") for f in as_completed(futures): threshold = f.result() name = futures[f] self.thresholds[name] = threshold count += 1 if count % 250 == 0: print(count, end=" ") print() return
[docs] def _multi_seq_motif_scores( self, seq_list, save_path, region_dim, motif_dim, dtype ): seq_names = [] seq_scores = [] for seq in seq_list: this_seq_scores = [] for motif in self.motif_list: threshold = self.thresholds[] n_max_total_score = _single_seq_single_motif_max_score( seq=seq, motif=motif, threshold=threshold ) this_seq_scores.append(n_max_total_score) seq_scores.append(this_seq_scores) seq_names.append( seq_scores = np.round(seq_scores) max_value = np.iinfo(dtype).max seq_scores[seq_scores > max_value] = max_value _data = np.array(seq_scores).astype(dtype) da = xr.DataArray( _data, coords=[ seq_names, self.motif_name_list, ["n_motifs", "max_score", "total_score"], ], dims=[region_dim, motif_dim, "motif_value"], ) motif_score_matrix = xr.Dataset({f"{region_dim}_{motif_dim}_da": da}) motif_score_matrix.to_zarr(save_path) return save_path
[docs] def _run_motif_scan_chunks( self, fasta_path, output_dir, region_dim, motif_dim, dtype, chunk_size=10000, cpu=1, ): with open(fasta_path) as fasta: seqs = [] for seq in SeqIO.parse(fasta, "fasta"): seqs.append(seq) print(f"Scan {self.n_motifs} motif in {len(seqs)} sequences.") if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = min(10000, max(10, len(seqs) // cpu)) output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir).absolute() final_dir = f"{output_dir}/{region_dim}_{motif_dim}" chunk_dir = f"{output_dir}/.{region_dim}_{motif_dim}_chunk" if pathlib.Path(chunk_dir).exists():"rm -rf {chunk_dir}", shell=True) pathlib.Path(chunk_dir).mkdir(parents=True) with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as exe: futures = {} for chunk_i, chunk_start in enumerate(range(0, len(seqs), chunk_size)): save_path = f"{chunk_dir}/motif_{chunk_i}.zarr" _seqs = seqs[chunk_start: chunk_start + chunk_size] future = exe.submit( self._multi_seq_motif_scores, seq_list=_seqs, save_path=str(save_path), region_dim=region_dim, motif_dim=motif_dim, dtype=dtype, ) futures[future] = chunk_i chunks_to_write = {} for i, future in enumerate(as_completed(futures)): print(f"Job {i} returned") chunk_i = futures[future] output_path = future.result() chunks_to_write[chunk_i] = output_path write_ordered_chunks( chunks_to_write, final_path=final_dir, append_dim=region_dim, engine="zarr", coord_dtypes=None, )"rm -rf {chunk_dir}", shell=True) return
[docs] def _aggregate_motif_clusters( self, output_dir, motif_dim, region_dim, dtype, chunk_size=1000000 ): motif_ds = f"{output_dir}/{region_dim}_{motif_dim}/", region_dim=region_dim ) _motif_cluster = self.motif_cluster = motif_dim motif_ds.coords[f"{motif_dim}-cluster"] = _motif_cluster motif_cluster_ds = motif_ds.groupby(f"{motif_dim}-cluster").apply( lambda _i: _i.max(dim=motif_dim).astype(dtype) ) # save motif cluster matrix by chunk motif_cluster_ds = RegionDS(motif_cluster_ds) cluster_output_dir = f"{output_dir}/{region_dim}_{motif_dim}-cluster" for i, chunk in enumerate( motif_cluster_ds.iter_array( dim=region_dim, chunk_size=chunk_size, da="dmr_motif_da", load=True ) ): _ds = xr.Dataset({"dmr_motif-cluster_da": chunk}).load() if i == 0: _ds.to_zarr(cluster_output_dir, mode="w") else: _ds.to_zarr(cluster_output_dir, append_dim=region_dim) return
[docs] def scan_motifs( self, fasta_path, output_dir, cpu, region_dim, motif_dim="motif", combine_cluster=True, dtype="uint16", chunk_size=10000, ): self._run_motif_scan_chunks( fasta_path=fasta_path, output_dir=output_dir, cpu=cpu, region_dim=region_dim, motif_dim=motif_dim, dtype=dtype, chunk_size=chunk_size, ) motif_ds = f"{output_dir}/{region_dim}_{motif_dim}", region_dim=region_dim ) if combine_cluster: self._aggregate_motif_clusters( output_dir=output_dir, motif_dim=motif_dim, region_dim=region_dim, dtype=dtype, chunk_size=chunk_size, ) motif_cluster_ds = f"{output_dir}/{region_dim}_{motif_dim}-cluster", region_dim=region_dim ) motif_ds.update(motif_cluster_ds) return motif_ds
[docs]class Motif(motifs.Motif): def __init__(self, alphabet="ACGT", instances=None, counts=None): super().__init__(alphabet=alphabet, instances=instances, counts=counts)