Source code for ALLCools.mcds.utilities

import subprocess
import glob
import logging
import pathlib

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import warnings
from typing import Union

import yaml

[docs]log = logging.getLogger()
[docs]def calculate_posterior_mc_frac( mc_da, cov_da, var_dim=None, normalize_per_cell=True, clip_norm_value=10 ): # so we can do post_frac only in a very small set of gene to prevent memory issue with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # here we expected to see a true_divide warning due to cov=0 raw_frac = mc_da / cov_da if isinstance(raw_frac, np.ndarray): # np.ndarray ndarray = True else: ndarray = False if ndarray: cell_rate_mean = np.nanmean(raw_frac, axis=1) cell_rate_var = np.nanvar(raw_frac, axis=1) else: # assume xr.DataArray if var_dim is None: cell_rate_mean = raw_frac.mean(axis=1) # this skip na cell_rate_var = raw_frac.var(axis=1) # this skip na else: cell_rate_mean = raw_frac.mean(dim=var_dim) # this skip na cell_rate_var = raw_frac.var(dim=var_dim) # this skip na # based on beta distribution mean, var # a / (a + b) = cell_rate_mean # a * b / ((a + b) ^ 2 * (a + b + 1)) = cell_rate_var # calculate alpha beta value for each cell cell_a = (1 - cell_rate_mean) * ( cell_rate_mean ** 2 ) / cell_rate_var - cell_rate_mean cell_b = cell_a * (1 / cell_rate_mean - 1) # cell specific posterior rate post_frac: Union[np.ndarray, xr.DataArray] if ndarray: post_frac = (mc_da + cell_a[:, None]) / ( cov_da + cell_a[:, None] + cell_b[:, None] ) else: post_frac = (mc_da + cell_a) / (cov_da + cell_a + cell_b) if normalize_per_cell: # there are two ways of normalizing per cell, by posterior or prior mean: # prior_mean = cell_a / (cell_a + cell_b) # posterior_mean = post_rate.mean(dim=var_dim) # Here I choose to use prior_mean to normalize cell, # therefore all cov == 0 features will have normalized rate == 1 in all cells. # i.e. 0 cov feature will provide no info prior_mean = cell_a / (cell_a + cell_b) if ndarray: post_frac = post_frac / prior_mean[:, None] else: post_frac = post_frac / prior_mean if clip_norm_value is not None: if isinstance(post_frac, np.ndarray): # np.ndarray post_frac[post_frac > clip_norm_value] = clip_norm_value else: # xarray.DataArray post_frac = post_frac.where( post_frac < clip_norm_value, clip_norm_value ) return post_frac
[docs]def calculate_posterior_mc_frac_lazy( mc_da, cov_da, var_dim, output_prefix, cell_chunk=20000, dask_cell_chunk=500, normalize_per_cell=True, clip_norm_value=10, ): """ Running calculate_posterior_mc_rate with dask array and directly save to disk. This is highly memory efficient. Use this for dataset larger then machine memory. Parameters ---------- mc_da cov_da var_dim output_prefix cell_chunk dask_cell_chunk normalize_per_cell clip_norm_value Returns ------- """ cell_list = mc_da.get_index("cell") cell_chunks = [ cell_list[i: i + cell_chunk] for i in range(0, cell_list.size, cell_chunk) ] output_paths = [] for chunk_id, cell_list_chunk in enumerate(cell_chunks): _mc_da = mc_da.sel(cell=cell_list_chunk) _cov_da = cov_da.sel(cell=cell_list_chunk) post_rate = calculate_posterior_mc_frac( mc_da=_mc_da, cov_da=_cov_da, var_dim=var_dim, normalize_per_cell=normalize_per_cell, clip_norm_value=clip_norm_value, ) if len(cell_chunks) == 1: chunk_id = "" else: chunk_id = f".{chunk_id}" output_path = output_prefix + f".{var_dim}_da_frac{chunk_id}.mcds" # to_netcdf trigger the dask computation, and save output directly into disk, quite memory efficient post_rate.to_netcdf(output_path) output_paths.append(output_path) chunks = {"cell": dask_cell_chunk} total_post_rate = xr.concat( [xr.open_dataarray(path, chunks=chunks) for path in output_paths], dim="cell" ) return total_post_rate
[docs]def calculate_gch_rate(mcds, var_dim="chrom100k"): rate_da = mcds.sel(mc_type=["GCHN", "HCHN"]).add_mc_rate( dim=var_dim, da=f"{var_dim}_da", normalize_per_cell=False, inplace=False ) # (PCG - PCH) / (1 - PCH) real_gc_rate = (rate_da.sel(mc_type="GCHN") - rate_da.sel(mc_type="HCHN")) / ( 1 - rate_da.sel(mc_type="HCHN") ) real_gc_rate = real_gc_rate.transpose("cell", var_dim).values real_gc_rate[real_gc_rate < 0] = 0 # norm per cell cell_overall_count = ( mcds[f"{var_dim}_da"].sel(mc_type=["GCHN", "HCHN"]).sum(dim=var_dim) ) cell_overall_rate = cell_overall_count.sel( count_type="mc" ) / cell_overall_count.sel(count_type="cov") gchn = cell_overall_rate.sel(mc_type="GCHN") hchn = cell_overall_rate.sel(mc_type="HCHN") overall_gchn = (gchn - hchn) / (1 - hchn) real_gc_rate = real_gc_rate / overall_gchn.values[:, None] return real_gc_rate
[docs]def get_mean_dispersion(x, obs_dim): # mean mean = x.mean(dim=obs_dim).load() # var # enforce R convention (unbiased estimator) for variance mean_sq = (x * x).mean(dim=obs_dim).load() var = (mean_sq - mean ** 2) * (x.sizes[obs_dim] / (x.sizes[obs_dim] - 1)) # now actually compute the dispersion mean.where(mean > 1e-12, 1e-12) # set entries equal to zero to small value # raw dispersion is the variance normalized by mean dispersion = var / mean return mean, dispersion
[docs]def highly_variable_methylation_feature( cell_by_feature_matrix, feature_mean_cov, obs_dim=None, var_dim=None, min_disp=0.5, max_disp=None, min_mean=0, max_mean=5, n_top_feature=None, bin_min_features=5, mean_binsize=0.05, cov_binsize=100, ): """ Adapted from Scanpy, the main difference is that, this function normalize dispersion based on both mean and cov bins. """ # RNA is only scaled by mean, but methylation is scaled by both mean and cov"extracting highly variable features") if n_top_feature is not None: "If you pass `n_top_feature`, all cutoffs are ignored. " "Features are ordered by normalized dispersion." ) # warning for extremely low cov low_cov_portion = (feature_mean_cov < 10).sum() / feature_mean_cov.size if low_cov_portion > 0.2: log.warning( f"{int(low_cov_portion * 100)}% feature with < 10 mean cov, " f"consider filter by cov before find highly variable feature. " f"Otherwise some low coverage feature may be elevated after normalization." ) if len(cell_by_feature_matrix.dims) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Input cell_by_feature_matrix is not 2-D matrix, " f"got {len(cell_by_feature_matrix.dims)} dim(s)" ) else: if (obs_dim is None) or (var_dim is None): obs_dim, var_dim = cell_by_feature_matrix.dims # rename variable x = cell_by_feature_matrix cov = feature_mean_cov mean, dispersion = get_mean_dispersion(x, obs_dim=obs_dim) dispersion = np.log(dispersion) # all of the following quantities are "per-feature" here df = pd.DataFrame(index=cell_by_feature_matrix.get_index(var_dim)) df["mean"] = mean.to_pandas().copy() df["dispersion"] = dispersion.to_pandas().copy() df["cov"] = cov.to_pandas().copy() # instead of n_bins, use bin_size, because cov and mc are in different scale df["mean_bin"] = (df["mean"] / mean_binsize).astype(int) df["cov_bin"] = (df["cov"] / cov_binsize).astype(int) # save bin_count df, gather bins with more than bin_min_features features bin_count = ( df.groupby(["mean_bin", "cov_bin"]) .apply(lambda i: i.shape[0]) .reset_index() .sort_values(0, ascending=False) ) bin_count.head() bin_more_than = bin_count[bin_count[0] > bin_min_features] if bin_more_than.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError( f"No bin have more than {bin_min_features} features, use larger bin size." ) # for those bin have too less features, merge them with closest bin in manhattan distance # this usually don't cause much difference (a few hundred features), but the scatter plot will look more nature index_map = {} for _, (mean_id, cov_id, count) in bin_count.iterrows(): if count > 1: index_map[(mean_id, cov_id)] = (mean_id, cov_id) manhattan_dist = (bin_more_than["mean_bin"] - mean_id).abs() + ( bin_more_than["cov_bin"] - cov_id ).abs() closest_more_than = manhattan_dist.sort_values().index[0] closest = bin_more_than.loc[closest_more_than] index_map[(mean_id, cov_id)] = tuple(closest.tolist()[:2]) # apply index_map to original df raw_bin = df[["mean_bin", "cov_bin"]].set_index(["mean_bin", "cov_bin"]) raw_bin["use_mean"] = pd.Series(index_map).apply(lambda i: i[0]) raw_bin["use_cov"] = pd.Series(index_map).apply(lambda i: i[1]) df["mean_bin"] = raw_bin["use_mean"].values df["cov_bin"] = raw_bin["use_cov"].values # calculate bin mean and std, now disp_std_bin shouldn't have NAs disp_grouped = df.groupby(["mean_bin", "cov_bin"])["dispersion"] disp_mean_bin = disp_grouped.mean() disp_std_bin = disp_grouped.std(ddof=1) # actually do the normalization _mean_norm = disp_mean_bin.loc[list(zip(df["mean_bin"], df["cov_bin"]))] _std_norm = disp_std_bin.loc[list(zip(df["mean_bin"], df["cov_bin"]))] df["dispersion_norm"] = ( df["dispersion"].values - _mean_norm.values # use values here as index differs ) / _std_norm.values dispersion_norm = df["dispersion_norm"].values.astype("float32") # Select n_top_feature if n_top_feature is not None: feature_subset = df.index.isin( df.sort_values("dispersion_norm", ascending=False).index[:5000] ) else: max_disp = np.inf if max_disp is None else max_disp dispersion_norm[np.isnan(dispersion_norm)] = 0 # similar to Seurat feature_subset = np.logical_and.reduce( ( mean > min_mean, mean < max_mean, dispersion_norm > min_disp, dispersion_norm < max_disp, ) ) df["feature_select"] = feature_subset" finished") return df
[docs]def determine_engine(dataset_paths): def _single_path(path): if pathlib.Path(f"{path}/.zgroup").exists(): e = "zarr" else: e = None # default for None is netcdf4 or xarray will guess return e def _multi_paths(paths): engines = [] for path in paths: e = _single_path(path) engines.append(e) _engine = list(set(engines)) if len(_engine) > 1: raise ValueError( f'Can not open a mixture of netcdf4 and zarr files in "{dataset_paths}", please use ' f'`allcools convert-mcds-to-zarr {{dataset_paths}}` to convert the storage of all MCDS files ' f'to zarr or netcdf. We recommend you use the zarr format, which gives better IO ' f'performance according to our experience.' ) else: _engine = _engine[0] return _engine if isinstance(dataset_paths, (str, pathlib.PosixPath)): if "*" in str(dataset_paths): engine = _multi_paths(list(glob.glob(dataset_paths))) else: # single mcds path engine = _single_path(dataset_paths) else: if len(dataset_paths) == 1: engine = _single_path(dataset_paths[0]) else: engine = _multi_paths(dataset_paths) return engine
[docs]def obj_to_str(ds, coord_dtypes=None): if coord_dtypes is None: coord_dtypes = {} for k, v in ds.coords.items(): if np.issubdtype(v, np.object) or np.issubdtype(v, np.unicode): if k in coord_dtypes: ds.coords[k] = v.load().astype(coord_dtypes[k]) else: ds.coords[k] = v.load().astype(str) return
[docs]def write_ordered_chunks( chunks_to_write, final_path, append_dim, engine="zarr", coord_dtypes=None, dtype=None, ): # some function may return None if the chunk is empty chunks_to_write = {k: v for k, v in chunks_to_write.items() if v is not None} # open all chunks to determine string coords dtype lengths total_ds = xr.open_mfdataset( list(chunks_to_write.values()), concat_dim=append_dim, combine="nested", engine=engine, ) obj_to_str(total_ds, coord_dtypes) # string dtype is set to coord maximum length, so need to load all coords to determine # otherwise the chunk writing will truncate string coords if the dtype length is wrong coord_dtypes = {k: v.dtype for k, v in total_ds.coords.items()} del total_ds # write chunks wrote = False for chunk_i, output_path in sorted(chunks_to_write.items(), key=lambda _i: _i[0]): # save chunk into the zarr chunk_ds = xr.open_dataset(output_path, engine=engine).load() obj_to_str(chunk_ds, coord_dtypes) if dtype is not None: chunk_ds = chunk_ds.astype(dtype) if not wrote: wrote = True # create the new da chunk_ds.to_zarr(final_path, mode="w") else: chunk_ds.to_zarr(final_path, mode="a", append_dim=append_dim) return
[docs]def convert_to_zarr(paths): """Convert xarray.Dataset stored in other backends into zarr backend.""" def _convert_single_path(p): if not pathlib.Path(p).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{p} not exist.') tmp_p = f'{p}_convert_tmp' if determine_engine(tmp_p) != 'zarr': ds = xr.open_dataset(p) # this will load the whole dataset ds.to_zarr(tmp_p) try:['mv', p, f'{p}_to_delete'], check=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8')['mv', tmp_p, p], check=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8')['rm', '-rf', f'{p}_to_delete'], check=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e.stderr) raise e return if isinstance(paths, (str, pathlib.PosixPath)): paths = str(paths) if '*' in paths: for path in glob.glob(paths): _convert_single_path(path) else: _convert_single_path(paths) else: for path in paths: convert_to_zarr(path) return
[docs]def update_dataset_config(output_dir, add_ds_region_dim=None, change_region_dim=None, config=None, add_ds_sample_dim=None): # update RegionDS default dimension try: with open(f"{output_dir}/.ALLCools", "r") as f: _config = yaml.load(f, yaml.SafeLoader) except FileNotFoundError: _config = {"region_dim": None, "ds_region_dim": {}, "ds_sample_dim": {}} if config is not None: _config.update(config) if change_region_dim is not None: _config["region_dim"] = change_region_dim if add_ds_region_dim is not None: _config["ds_region_dim"].update(add_ds_region_dim) if add_ds_sample_dim is not None: _config["ds_sample_dim"].update(add_ds_sample_dim) with open(f"{output_dir}/.ALLCools", "w") as f: yaml.dump(_config, f) return