Source code for ALLCools.count_matrix.snap

import h5py
import anndata
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import scipy.sparse as ss

[docs]SNAP_BD_FIELDS = { "TN": "TotalFrag", "UM": "UniqueMapFrag", "SE": "SingleEndFrag", "SA": "SecondaryAlign", "PE": "PairEndFrag", "PP": "ProperlyPairedFrag", "PL": "ProperFragLength", "US": "UsableFrag", "UQ": "UniqFrag", "CM": "chrMFrag",
[docs]def read_snap(file_path, bin_kind=5000): """Read snap hdf5 file into anndata.AnnData.""" if bin_kind == "gene": return _read_snap_genes(file_path) elif isinstance(bin_kind, int): return _read_snap_bins(file_path, bin_size=bin_kind) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def _read_snap_meta(f): cell_barcode = np.array(f["/BD/name"]).astype(str) cell_meta = pd.DataFrame([], index=cell_barcode) for name in f["/BD/"].keys(): if name == "name": continue if name in SNAP_BD_FIELDS: col_name = SNAP_BD_FIELDS[name] else: col_name = name cell_meta[col_name] = np.array(f[f"/BD/{name}"]) return cell_meta, cell_barcode
[docs]def _read_snap_genes(file_path): """Read gene data from snap hdf5 file into anndata.AnnData""" with h5py.File(file_path) as f: data = np.array(f[f"/GM/count"], dtype=np.uint8) idx = np.array(f[f"/GM/idx"]) - 1 # R is 1 based, python is 0 based idy = np.array(f[f"/GM/idy"]) - 1 # R is 1 based, python is 0 based gene_id = np.array(f[f"/GM/name"]).astype(str) cell_meta, cell_barcode = _read_snap_meta(f) data = ss.coo_matrix( (data, (idx, idy)), shape=(cell_barcode.size, gene_id.size), dtype=np.uint8 ).tocsc() adata = anndata.AnnData( X=data, obs=cell_meta, var=pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(gene_id, name="gene")) ) return adata
[docs]def _read_snap_bins(file_path, bin_size=5000): """Read bin data from snap hdf5 file into anndata.AnnData""" with h5py.File(file_path) as f: data = np.array(f[f"/AM/{bin_size}/count"], dtype=np.uint8) idx = np.array(f[f"/AM/{bin_size}/idx"]) - 1 # R is 1 based, python is 0 based idy = np.array(f[f"/AM/{bin_size}/idy"]) - 1 # R is 1 based, python is 0 based bin_chrom = np.array(f[f"/AM/{bin_size}/binChrom"]).astype(str) bin_start = np.array(f[f"/AM/{bin_size}/binStart"]) - 1 # 0 based bed format bin_end = ( np.array(f[f"/AM/{bin_size}/binStart"]) - 1 + bin_size ) # 0 based bed format bin_id = np.core.defchararray.add( np.core.defchararray.add(bin_chrom, "-"), bin_start.astype(str) ) cell_meta, cell_barcode = _read_snap_meta(f) data = ss.coo_matrix( (data, (idx, idy)), shape=(cell_barcode.size, bin_id.size), dtype=np.uint8 ).tocsc() adata = anndata.AnnData( X=data, obs=cell_meta, var=pd.DataFrame( {"chrom": bin_chrom, "start": bin_start, "end": bin_end}, index=pd.Index(bin_id, name="chrom5k"), ), ) return adata
[docs]def adata_to_df(adata, var_dim, obs_dim="cell", dtype=np.uint8): # reduce dtype specifically for atac max_value = np.iinfo(dtype).max # prevent overflow adata.X[adata.X > max_value] = max_value adata.X = adata.X.astype(dtype) df = adata.to_df() = obs_dim = var_dim return df
[docs]def snap_to_xarray(snap_path, bin_sizes=(5000,), gene=True, dtype=np.uint8): total_records = {} for bin_size in bin_sizes: adata = read_snap(snap_path, bin_kind=bin_size) var_dim = f"chrom{bin_size}".replace("000", "k") data = adata_to_df(adata=adata, var_dim=var_dim, obs_dim="cell", dtype=dtype) total_records[f"{var_dim}_da"] = data if gene: adata = read_snap(snap_path, bin_kind="gene") data = adata_to_df(adata=adata, var_dim="gene", obs_dim="cell", dtype=dtype) total_records[f"gene_da"] = data ds = xr.Dataset(total_records) return ds
[docs]def snap_to_zarr( snap_path, output_path, bin_sizes=(5000,), gene=True, dtype=np.uint8, index_prefix=None, ): ds = snap_to_xarray(snap_path, bin_sizes=bin_sizes, gene=gene, dtype=dtype) if index_prefix is not None: # add a prefix to the index to make it unique when concatenate across different datasets ds.coords["cell"] = index_prefix + "_" + ds.get_index("cell") ds.to_zarr(output_path) return