Source code for ALLCools.count_matrix.mcds

import pathlib
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from math import ceil

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as ss
import xarray as xr

from .._allc_to_region_count import batch_allc_to_region_count
from .._doc import *
from ..schema.mcds_schema import *
from ..utilities import parse_file_paths, parse_dtype

[docs]DEFAULT_MCDS_DTYPE = np.uint32
[docs]def clip_too_large_cov(data_df, machine_max): too_large_count = 0 for row in data_df.index[data_df["cov"] > machine_max]: mc, cov = data_df.loc[row] rate = cov / machine_max ncov = int(cov / rate - 1) nmc = max(0, int(mc / rate - 1)) assert nmc <= ncov assert ncov < machine_max[row, "mc"] = nmc[row, "cov"] = ncov too_large_count += 1 return data_df, too_large_count
[docs]def _region_count_table_to_csr_npz( region_count_tables, region_id_map, output_prefix, compression=True, dtype=DEFAULT_MCDS_DTYPE, ): """ helper func of _aggregate_region_count_to_mcds Take a list of region count table paths, read, aggregate them into a 2D sparse matrix and save the mC and COV separately. This function don't take care of any path selection, but assume all region_count_table is homogeneous type It return the saved file path """ machine_max = np.iinfo(dtype).max output_prefix = output_prefix.rstrip(".") mc_path = output_prefix + ".mc.npz" cov_path = output_prefix + ".cov.npz" if pathlib.Path(mc_path).exists() and pathlib.Path(cov_path).exists(): return mc_path, cov_path if len(region_count_tables) > 1: count_table_path_list = parse_file_paths(region_count_tables) else: # only one path in the list, which is possible for last chunk count_table_path_list = [pathlib.Path(region_count_tables[0]).resolve()] # read region_id to int_id (col location) map if isinstance(region_id_map, str): region_id_map = pd.read_hdf(region_id_map).astype(dtype) else: region_id_map = region_id_map.astype(dtype) # determine matrix shape n_obj = len(count_table_path_list) n_feature = len(region_id_map) # init matrix # hint by scipy, lil_matrix is the only suitable format in construction step mc_matrix = ss.lil_matrix((n_obj, n_feature), dtype=dtype) cov_matrix = ss.lil_matrix((n_obj, n_feature), dtype=dtype) # read each count table and add to matrix for obj_idx, file_path in enumerate(count_table_path_list): # TODO save internal region count table as hdf data = pd.read_csv( file_path, usecols=[3, 4, 5], sep="\t", header=None, names=["bin_id", "mc", "cov"], dtype={ "bin_id": str, "mc": np.int64, "cov": np.int64, }, # here using a sufficient dtype to load data first index_col=0, ) if data.shape[0] == 0: # for rare case where the site_bed is empty continue if data["cov"].max() > machine_max: # then check if max value is over the dtype range # some times, if the feature is too large and dtype is too small, # the cov will exceed dtype range first. # This should only be used in single cell data, but not bulk count data, count = clip_too_large_cov(data, machine_max) print( f"{count} row(s) in the file exceed the range of {dtype}: {file_path}. \n" f"Both mC and Cov are clipped bellow the machine max with preserved ratio, " f"but if this happens too often or precise count is necessary, " f"consider using a larger dtype." ) data.index = mc_matrix[obj_idx, data.index.values] = data["mc"].astype(dtype).values cov_matrix[obj_idx, data.index.values] = data["cov"].astype(dtype).values mc_matrix = mc_matrix.tocsr() ss.save_npz(mc_path, mc_matrix, compressed=compression) cov_matrix = cov_matrix.tocsr() ss.save_npz(cov_path, cov_matrix, compressed=compression) return mc_path, cov_path
[docs]def _csr_matrix_to_dataarray( matrix_table, row_name, row_index, col_name, col_index, other_dim_info ): """ helper func of _aggregate_region_count_to_mcds This function aggregate sparse array files into a single xarray.DataArray, combining cell chunks, mc/cov count type together. The matrix_table provide all file paths, each row is for a cell chunk, with mc and cov matrix path separately. """ total_mc_matrix = ss.vstack( [ss.load_npz(path) for path in matrix_table["mc"]] ).todense() total_cov_matrix = ss.vstack( [ss.load_npz(path) for path in matrix_table["cov"]] ).todense() data_arrays = [] for count_type, matrix in zip(["mc", "cov"], [total_mc_matrix, total_cov_matrix]): data_array = xr.DataArray( matrix, dims=[row_name, col_name], coords={row_name: row_index, col_name: col_index.tolist()}, ) _other_dim_info = other_dim_info.copy() _other_dim_info["count_type"] = count_type dim_axis = 2 for dim_name, dim_coord in _other_dim_info.items(): data_array = data_array.expand_dims(dim_name, axis=dim_axis) dim_axis += 1 data_array.coords[dim_name] = [dim_coord] data_arrays.append(data_array) data_array = xr.concat(data_arrays, dim="count_type") return data_array
[docs]def _aggregate_region_count_to_mcds( output_dir, dataset_name, chunk_size=100, row_name="cell", cpu=1, dtype=DEFAULT_MCDS_DTYPE, ): """ This function aggregate all the region count table into a single mcds """ # TODO write test output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir) summary_df = pd.read_hdf(output_dir / "REGION_COUNT_SUMMARY.hdf") file_uids = summary_df["file_id"].unique() region_index_dict = {} additional_coords = {} with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as executor: # aggregate count table into 2D sparse array, parallel in cell chunks future_dict = {} for (mc_type, region_name, strandness), sub_summary_df in summary_df.groupby( ["mc_type", "region_name", "strandness"] ): sub_summary_df = sub_summary_df.set_index("file_id") if region_name not in region_index_dict: region_index = pd.read_hdf( output_dir / f"REGION_ID_{region_name}.hdf" ).index = region_name region_index_dict[region_name] = region_index region_bed = pd.read_hdf(output_dir / f"REGION_BED_{region_name}.hdf") for col, value in region_bed.iteritems(): _col = f"{region_name}_{col}" = region_name additional_coords[_col] = value for chunk_id, chunk_start in enumerate( range(0, file_uids.size, chunk_size) ): file_id_chunk = file_uids[chunk_start: chunk_start + chunk_size] file_paths = sub_summary_df.loc[file_id_chunk]["file_path"].tolist() future = executor.submit( _region_count_table_to_csr_npz, region_count_tables=file_paths, region_id_map=str(output_dir / f"REGION_ID_{region_name}.hdf"), output_prefix=str( output_dir / f"{dataset_name}_{region_name}_" f"{mc_type}_{strandness}_{chunk_id}" ), compression=True, dtype=dtype, ) future_dict[future] = (mc_type, region_name, strandness, chunk_id) records = defaultdict(list) for future in as_completed(future_dict): mc_type, region_name, strandness, chunk_id = future_dict[future] try: mc_path, cov_path = future.result() records[(mc_type, region_name, strandness)].append( {"mc": mc_path, "cov": cov_path, "index": chunk_id} ) except Exception as e: print( f"Error when calculating mc-{mc_type} region-{region_name} " f"strand-{strandness} chunk-{chunk_id}." ) raise e # IMPORTANT order csr_matrix_records by chunk_id csr_matrix_records = { k: pd.DataFrame(v).set_index("index").sort_index() for k, v in records.items() } # aggregate all the sparse array into a single mcds, this step load everything and need large memory region_da_records = {} for region_name in summary_df["region_name"].unique(): mc_type_da_records = [] for mc_type in summary_df["mc_type"].unique(): strand_da_records = [] for strandness in summary_df["strandness"].unique(): matrix_table = csr_matrix_records[(mc_type, region_name, strandness)] if strandness.lower() == "crick": strandness = "-" elif strandness.lower() == "watson": strandness = "+" else: strandness = "both" other_dim_info = {"mc_type": mc_type, "strand_type": strandness} dataarray = _csr_matrix_to_dataarray( matrix_table=matrix_table, row_name=row_name, row_index=file_uids, col_name=region_name, col_index=region_index_dict[region_name], other_dim_info=other_dim_info, ) strand_da_records.append(dataarray) mc_type_da = xr.concat(strand_da_records, dim="strand_type") mc_type_da_records.append(mc_type_da) region_da_records[region_name + "_da"] = xr.concat( mc_type_da_records, dim="mc_type" ) total_ds = xr.Dataset(region_da_records) total_ds.coords.update(additional_coords) return total_ds
@doc_params( allc_table_doc=allc_table_doc, chrom_size_path_doc=chrom_size_path_doc, mc_contexts_doc=mc_contexts_doc, cov_cutoff_doc=cov_cutoff_doc, split_strand_doc=split_strand_doc, bin_sizes_doc=bin_sizes_doc, cpu_basic_doc=cpu_basic_doc, region_bed_paths_doc=region_bed_paths_doc, region_bed_names_doc=region_bed_names_doc, rna_table_doc=rna_table_doc, binarize_doc=binarize_doc,
[docs]) def generate_mcds( allc_table, output_prefix, chrom_size_path, mc_contexts, rna_table=None, split_strand=False, bin_sizes=None, region_bed_paths=None, region_bed_names=None, cov_cutoff=9999, cpu=1, remove_tmp=True, max_per_mcds=3072, cell_chunk_size=100, dtype=DEFAULT_MCDS_DTYPE, binarize=False, engine='zarr' ): """\ Generate MCDS from a list of ALLC file provided with file id. Parameters ---------- allc_table {allc_table_doc} output_prefix Output prefix of the MCDS chrom_size_path {chrom_size_path_doc} mc_contexts {mc_contexts_doc} rna_table {rna_table_doc} split_strand {split_strand_doc} bin_sizes {bin_sizes_doc} region_bed_paths {region_bed_paths_doc} region_bed_names {region_bed_names_doc} cov_cutoff {cov_cutoff_doc} cpu {cpu_basic_doc} remove_tmp Whether to remove the temp directory for generating MCDS max_per_mcds Maximum number of ALLC files to aggregate into 1 MCDS, if number of ALLC provided > max_per_mcds, will generate MCDS in chunks, with same prefix provided. cell_chunk_size Size of cell chunk in parallel aggregation. Do not have any effect on results. Large chunksize needs large memory. dtype Data type of MCDS count matrix. Default is np.uint32. For single cell feature count, this can be set to np.uint16, which means the value is 0-65536. The values exceed max will be clipped. binarize {binarize_doc} engine use zarr or netcdf to store dataset, default is zarr Returns ------- """ if engine not in ['zarr', 'netcdf']: raise ValueError(f'engine need to be "zarr" or "netcdf", got {engine}') # TODO region bed should have unique id, check before generate mcds dtype = parse_dtype(dtype) if isinstance(allc_table, str): allc_series = pd.read_csv( allc_table, header=None, index_col=0, squeeze=True, sep="\t" ) if not isinstance(allc_series, pd.Series): raise ValueError( "allc_table malformed, should only have 2 columns, 1. file_uid, 2. file_path" ) else: allc_series = allc_table.dropna() if allc_series.index.duplicated().sum() != 0: raise ValueError("allc_table file uid have duplicates (1st column)") rna_series = pd.Series([]) if rna_table is not None: if isinstance(rna_table, str): rna_series = pd.read_csv( rna_table, header=None, index_col=0, squeeze=True, sep="\t" ) if not isinstance(rna_series, pd.Series): raise ValueError( "rna_table malformed, should only have 2 columns, 1. file_uid, 2. file_path" ) else: rna_series = rna_table.dropna() if rna_series.index.duplicated().sum() != 0: raise ValueError("rna_table file uid have duplicates (1st column)") n_matched = len(rna_series.index & allc_series.index) if n_matched == 0: raise ValueError( "Zero file uid are matched between RNA and ALLC table, " "are you sure file_uids are correct? " "MCDS only intend to save RNA and mC count matrix together when they are generated " "from the SAME cell/sample that have the SAME cell/sample id. " "If you have to save RNA and mC in different cell/sample ids, " "it would be better to save them in separate files." ) else: if n_matched < rna_series.size: print( f"{rna_series.size - n_matched} file_uid in RNA table do not exist in ALLC table" ) if n_matched < allc_series.size: print( f"{allc_series.size - n_matched} file_uid in ALLC table do not exist in RNA table" ) # reindex allc and rna series, this may create NaN, will be dropped union_index = rna_series.index | allc_series.index allc_series = allc_series.reindex(union_index) rna_series = rna_series.reindex(union_index) # if allc files exceed max_per_mcds, save them into chunks if allc_series.size > max_per_mcds: mcds_n_chunk = ceil(allc_series.size / max_per_mcds) chunk_size = ceil(allc_series.size / mcds_n_chunk) allc_series_chunks = [ allc_series[chunk_start: chunk_start + chunk_size] for chunk_start in range(0, allc_series.size, chunk_size) ] if rna_table is not None: rna_series_chunks = [ rna_series[chunk_start: chunk_start + chunk_size] for chunk_start in range(0, rna_series.size, chunk_size) ] print(f"Number of file_uids {allc_series.size} > max_per_mcds {max_per_mcds}, ") print(f"will generate MCDS in {len(allc_series_chunks)} chunks.") # mcds chunks execute sequentially for chunk_id, allc_series_chunk in enumerate(allc_series_chunks): if rna_table is not None: rna_series_chunk = rna_series_chunks[chunk_id] else: rna_series_chunk = None generate_mcds( allc_table=allc_series_chunk, output_prefix=f"{output_prefix}_{chunk_id}", chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, mc_contexts=mc_contexts, rna_table=rna_series_chunk, split_strand=split_strand, bin_sizes=bin_sizes, region_bed_paths=region_bed_paths, region_bed_names=region_bed_names, cov_cutoff=cov_cutoff, cpu=cpu, remove_tmp=remove_tmp, max_per_mcds=max_per_mcds, cell_chunk_size=cell_chunk_size, dtype=dtype, binarize=binarize, engine=engine ) return # check region bed names if region_bed_names is not None: region_bed_names = [ check_custom_dim_name_and_return(name) for name in region_bed_names ] output_prefix = output_prefix.rstrip(".") output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_prefix + ".tmp_dir") output_dir.mkdir() dataset_name = pathlib.Path(output_prefix).name # count all the ALLC files, generate region count tables in a temp dir print("Count ALLC files") batch_allc_to_region_count( allc_series=allc_series, output_dir=output_dir, chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, mc_contexts=mc_contexts, split_strand=split_strand, bin_sizes=bin_sizes, region_bed_paths=region_bed_paths, region_bed_names=region_bed_names, cov_cutoff=cov_cutoff, cpu=cpu, binarize=binarize, ) # aggregate all the region count table into a mcds print("Aggregate Region Count Table") total_ds = _aggregate_region_count_to_mcds( output_dir=output_dir, dataset_name=dataset_name, chunk_size=cell_chunk_size, row_name="cell", cpu=cpu, dtype=dtype, ) if not output_prefix.endswith(".mcds"): output_path = output_prefix + ".mcds" else: output_path = output_prefix if engine == 'zarr': total_ds.to_zarr(output_path) elif engine == 'netcdf': total_ds.to_netcdf(output_path) else: raise ValueError # sanity check mC <= cov for da_name, da in total_ds.data_vars.items(): mc_da = da.sel(count_type="mc") cov_da = da.sel(count_type="cov") try: assert int((cov_da < mc_da).sum()) == 0 except AssertionError as e: print(f"In {da_name}, found mC > cov.") raise e # remove temp dir if remove_tmp:["rm", "-rf", str(output_dir)], check=True) return