Source code for ALLCools.count_matrix.mcad

import pysam
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import pathlib
import anndata
import subprocess
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from ..utilities import parse_mc_pattern
from functools import lru_cache

from .._doc import *

[docs]def _read_region_bed(bed_path): region_bed = pd.read_csv(bed_path, sep="\t", header=None, index_col=3) = "region" region_bed.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end"] return region_bed
[docs]def bin_sf(cov, mc, p): if cov > mc: return stats.binom(cov, p).sf(mc) else: # cov == mc, sf = 0 return 0
[docs]def _count_single_allc( allc_path, bed_path, mc_pattern, output_dir, cutoff=0.9, reverse_value=False ): patterns = parse_mc_pattern(mc_pattern) region_bed = _read_region_bed(bed_path) # bin raw counts with pysam.TabixFile(allc_path, "r") as allc: records = [] # list of [mc, cov, region_idx] for idx, (region_id, (chrom, start, end)) in enumerate(region_bed.iterrows()): total_mc = 0 total_cov = 0 try: iterator = allc.fetch(chrom, start, end) except ValueError: # in low coverage cells, allc file might miss a whole chromosome, # this cause value error saying "could not create iterator for region" continue for line in iterator: chrom, pos, _, context, mc, cov, _ = line.split("\t") if context in patterns: total_mc += int(mc) total_cov += int(cov) if total_cov > 0: records.append([idx, total_mc, total_cov]) bin_counts = pd.DataFrame(records, columns=["idx", "mc", "cov"]).set_index( "idx" ) # calculate binom sf (1-cdf) value, hypo bins are close to 1, hyper bins are close to 0 mc_sum, cov_sum = bin_counts.sum() p = mc_sum / (cov_sum + 0.000001) # prevent empty allc error pv = bin_counts.apply(lambda x: bin_sf(x["cov"], x["mc"], p), axis=1).astype( "float16" ) if reverse_value: # use cdf instead of sf when looking for hyper methylation pv = 1 - pv pv = pv[pv > cutoff] # get rid of most hyper bins pv.to_hdf(f"{output_dir}/{pathlib.Path(allc_path).name}.hdf", key="data") return
@doc_params( allc_table_doc=allc_table_doc, bed_path_doc=region_bed_path_mcad_doc, cpu_doc=cpu_basic_doc, mc_context_doc=mc_context_mcad_doc,
[docs]) def generate_mcad( allc_table, bed_path, output_prefix, mc_context, cpu=1, cleanup=True, cutoff=0.9, reverse_value=False, ): """ Parameters ---------- allc_table {allc_table_doc} bed_path {bed_path_doc} cpu {cpu_doc} output_prefix Output prefix of the MCAD, a suffix ".mcad" will be added. mc_context {mc_context_doc} cleanup Whether remove temp files or not cutoff Values smaller than cutoff will be stored as 0, which reduces the file size reverse_value If true, use cdf instead of sf to make hyper-methylation events having higher values Returns ------- """ # validate if (cutoff < 0) or (cutoff > 1): raise ValueError(f"Cutoff must between 0 to 1, got {cutoff}.") # allc table has 2 columns: cell_id \t allc_path allc_paths = pd.read_csv( allc_table, sep="\t", index_col=0, header=None, squeeze=True ) = "cell" # temp dir _name = pathlib.Path(output_prefix).name temp_dir = pathlib.Path(f"{_name}_pv_temp") temp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # calculating individual cells with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as executor: futures = {} allc_path_idy = {} for idy, (cell_id, allc_path) in enumerate(allc_paths.items()): allc_path_idy[pathlib.Path(allc_path).name] = idy output_path = temp_dir / f"{pathlib.Path(allc_path).name}.hdf" if output_path.exists(): continue future = executor.submit( _count_single_allc, allc_path=allc_path, bed_path=bed_path, mc_pattern=mc_context, output_dir=temp_dir, cutoff=cutoff, reverse_value=reverse_value, ) futures[future] = cell_id for future in as_completed(futures): cell_id = futures[future] print(f"{cell_id} returned.") future.result() # aggregate all the cells print("Aggregate cells into adata") total_idx = [] total_idy = [] total_data = [] for path in temp_dir.glob("*hdf"): idy = allc_path_idy[[:-4]] pv = pd.read_hdf(path) if pv.size == 0: # no sig result continue total_idx.append(pv.index.values) total_idy.append([idy] * pv.size) total_data.append(pv.values) # the cell by region matrix region_bed = _read_region_bed(bed_path) _data = csr_matrix( ( np.concatenate(total_data), (np.concatenate(total_idy), np.concatenate(total_idx)), ), shape=(len(allc_path_idy), region_bed.shape[0]), ) # save the data as anndata adata = anndata.AnnData( _data, obs=pd.DataFrame([], index=allc_paths.index), var=region_bed ) adata.X = adata.X.astype("float16") if str(output_prefix)[-5:] in {".mcad", ".h5ad"}: output_h5ad_path = output_prefix else: output_h5ad_path = f"{output_prefix}.mcad" adata.write_h5ad(pathlib.Path(output_h5ad_path)) # remove temp if cleanup:["rm", "-rf", str(temp_dir)]) return