Source code for ALLCools.count_matrix.dataset

from ALLCools.utilities import parse_chrom_size, parse_mc_pattern
import pybedtools
from collections import defaultdict
import pathlib
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import pysam
import subprocess
from functools import lru_cache
from scipy import stats
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from shutil import rmtree
from .._doc import *

[docs]ALLOW_QUANT_TYPES = ['count', 'hypo-score', 'hyper-score']
[docs]def bin_sf(cov, mc, p): if cov > mc: return stats.binom(cov, p).sf(mc) else: # cov == mc, sf = 0 return 0
[docs]def cell_sf(cell_count_df): mc_sum, cov_sum = cell_count_df.sum() p = mc_sum / (cov_sum + 0.000001) # prevent empty allc error pv = cell_count_df.apply(lambda x: bin_sf(x["cov"], x["mc"], p), axis=1).astype( "float16" ) return pv
[docs]class Quant: def __init__(self, mc_types, quant_type, kwargs): self.mc_types = mc_types self.quant_type = quant_type self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs]class CountQuantifier: """Sum count by mC type for single region in single ALLC""" def __init__(self, mc_types): self.mc_types = mc_types self.mc_data = defaultdict(int) self.cov_data = defaultdict(int) return
[docs] def read_line(self, line): chrom, pos, _, context, mc, cov, *_ = line.split("\t") self.mc_data[context] += int(mc) self.cov_data[context] += int(cov) return
[docs] def summary(self): mc_type_data = [] for mc_type in self.mc_types: mc = sum((self.mc_data[k] for k in parse_mc_pattern(mc_type))) cov = sum((self.cov_data[k] for k in parse_mc_pattern(mc_type))) mc_type_data.append([mc, cov]) return mc_type_data
[docs]def determine_datasets(regions, quantifiers, chrom_size_path, tmp_dir): tmp_dir = pathlib.Path(tmp_dir).absolute() tmp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) chrom_sizes = parse_chrom_size(chrom_size_path) datasets = {} for pair in regions: if len(pair) != 2: raise ValueError(f'Can not understand {pair} in regions parameter: {regions}') name, region_path = pair # prepare regions if isinstance(region_path, (str, pathlib.Path)) \ and pathlib.Path(region_path).exists(): region_bed_df = pd.read_csv(region_path, sep='\t', header=None) # remove additional chroms that do not occur in chrom_sizes region_bed_df = region_bed_df[region_bed_df.iloc[:, 0].isin( chrom_sizes)] # sort chroms region_bed_df = pybedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe( region_bed_df).sort(g=chrom_size_path).to_dataframe() if region_bed_df.shape[1] == 3: # add index print( region_path, 'do not have index in its fourth column, adding it automatically. ' 'If this is not desired, add a fourth column containing UNIQUE IDs to the BED file.' ) region_bed_df[name] = (f'{name}_{i}' for i in range(region_bed_df.shape[0])) # check if name is unique() if region_bed_df.iloc[:, 3].duplicated().sum() > 0: raise ValueError( f'Region IDs in {region_path} (fourth column) are not unique.' ) # finally, set ID as index and only take the first three columns region_bed_df = region_bed_df.iloc[:, [0, 1, 2, 3]].set_index( region_bed_df.columns[3]) else: try: # if region is int, generate chrom bins with bedtools region_size = int(region_path) region_bed_df = pybedtools.BedTool().makewindows( g=chrom_size_path, w=region_size, s=region_size).to_dataframe() # set region index _dfs = [] for chrom, chrom_df in region_bed_df.groupby('chrom'): chrom_df = chrom_df.reset_index(drop=True) chrom_df.index = i: f'{chrom}_{i}') _dfs.append(chrom_df) region_bed_df = pd.concat(_dfs) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'Can not understand region specification {region_path}') region_path = f'{tmp_dir}/{name}.regions.csv' region_bed_df.to_csv(region_path) datasets[name] = {'regions': region_path, 'quant': []} for quantifier in quantifiers: if len(quantifier) < 3: raise ValueError( f'Quantifier must have three parts, including ' f'["NAME", "QUANT_TYPE", "MC_TYPE", "OTHER_KWARGS"], ' f'where the "OTHER_KWARGS" are optional. ' f'Got {quantifier}') name, quant_type, mc_types, *other_kwargs = quantifier if name not in datasets: raise KeyError( f'Name {name} occur in quantifiers, but not found in regions.') kwargs = {} for kv in other_kwargs: k, v = kv.split('=') try: kwargs[k] = float(v) except ValueError: kwargs[k] = v # prepare mc_types mc_types = [i.strip() for i in mc_types.split(',')] # prepare quant_types if quant_type not in ALLOW_QUANT_TYPES: raise ValueError( f'QUANT_TYPE need to be in {ALLOW_QUANT_TYPES}, got {quant_type} in {quantifier}.' ) datasets[name]['quant'].append( Quant(mc_types=mc_types, quant_type=quant_type, kwargs=kwargs)) return datasets
[docs]def count_single_region_set(allc_table, region_config, obs_dim, region_dim): """Get cell-by-region-by-mc_types count matrix, save to zarr""" total_mc_types = [] for quant in region_config['quant']: total_mc_types += quant.mc_types total_mc_types = list(set(total_mc_types)) total_data = [] for sample, allc_path in allc_table.items(): with pysam.TabixFile(allc_path) as allc: region_ids = [] sample_data = [] region_chunks = pd.read_csv(region_config['regions'], index_col=0, chunksize=1000) for chunk in region_chunks: region_ids += chunk.index.tolist() for region, (chrom, start, end) in chunk.iterrows(): count_quant = CountQuantifier(mc_types=total_mc_types) try: allc_lines = allc.fetch(chrom, start, end) for line in allc_lines: count_quant.read_line(line) except ValueError: # got value error, this chrom not exist in allc pass sample_data.append(count_quant.summary()) data = xr.DataArray( np.array([sample_data]), coords=[[sample], region_ids, total_mc_types, ['mc', 'cov']], dims=[obs_dim, region_dim, 'mc_type', 'count_type']) total_data.append(data) total_data = xr.Dataset( {f'{region_dim}_da': xr.concat(total_data, dim=obs_dim)}) return total_data
[docs]def calculate_pv(data, reverse_value, obs_dim, var_dim, cutoff=0.9): pv = [] for cell in data.get_index(obs_dim): value = cell_sf(data.sel(cell=cell).to_pandas()) pv.append(value) pv = np.array(pv) if reverse_value: pv = 1 - pv # get rid of small values, save space and memory pv[pv < cutoff] = 0 pv = xr.DataArray(pv, coords=[data.coords[obs_dim], data.coords[var_dim]], dims=[obs_dim, var_dim]) pv = pv.astype('float16') return pv
[docs]def count_single_zarr(allc_table, region_config, obs_dim, region_dim, output_path, obs_dim_dtype, count_dtype='uint32'): """process single region set and its quantifiers""" # count all ALLC and mC types that's needed for quantifiers if this region_dim count_ds = count_single_region_set(allc_table=allc_table, region_config=region_config, obs_dim=obs_dim, region_dim=region_dim) total_ds = {} # deal with count quantifiers count_mc_types = [] for quant in region_config['quant']: if quant.quant_type == 'count': count_mc_types += quant.mc_types count_mc_types = list(set(count_mc_types)) if len(count_mc_types) > 0: count_da = count_ds.sel(mc_type=count_mc_types)[f'{region_dim}_da'] max_int = np.iinfo(count_dtype).max count_da = xr.where(count_da > max_int, max_int, count_da) total_ds[f'{region_dim}_da'] = count_da.astype(count_dtype) # deal with hypo-score, hyper-score quantifiers for quant in region_config['quant']: if quant.quant_type == 'hypo-score': for mc_type in quant.mc_types: data = calculate_pv( data=count_ds.sel(mc_type=mc_type)[f'{region_dim}_da'], reverse_value=False, obs_dim=obs_dim, var_dim=region_dim, **quant.kwargs) total_ds[f'{region_dim}_da_{mc_type}-hypo-score'] = data elif quant.quant_type == 'hyper-score': for mc_type in quant.mc_types: data = calculate_pv( count_ds.sel(mc_type=mc_type)[f'{region_dim}_da'], reverse_value=True, obs_dim=obs_dim, var_dim=region_dim, **quant.kwargs) total_ds[f'{region_dim}_da_{mc_type}-hyper-score'] = data total_ds = xr.Dataset(total_ds) total_ds.coords[obs_dim] = total_ds.coords[obs_dim].astype(obs_dim_dtype) total_ds.to_zarr(output_path, mode='w') return output_path
@doc_params( generate_dataset_doc=generate_dataset_doc, allc_table_doc=allc_table_doc, chrom_size_path_doc=chrom_size_path_doc, regions_doc=generate_dataset_regions_doc, quantifiers_doc=generate_dataset_quantifiers_doc, obs_dim_doc=generate_dataset_obs_dim_doc, cpu_basic_doc=cpu_basic_doc, chunk_size_doc=generate_dataset_chunk_size_doc
[docs]) def generate_dataset(allc_table, output_path, regions, quantifiers, chrom_size_path, obs_dim='cell', cpu=1, chunk_size=None): """\ {generate_dataset_doc} Parameters ---------- allc_table {allc_table_doc} output_path Output path of the MCDS dataset regions {regions_doc} quantifiers {quantifiers_doc} chrom_size_path {chrom_size_path_doc} obs_dim {obs_dim_doc} cpu {cpu_basic_doc} chunk_size {chunk_size_doc} Returns ------- output_path """ if isinstance(allc_table, (str, pathlib.Path)): allc_table = pd.read_csv(allc_table, sep='\t', header=None, index_col=0, squeeze=True) = obs_dim # determine index length and str dtype max_length = idx: len(idx)).max() obs_dim_dtype = f'<U{max_length}' # determine parallel chunk size n_sample = allc_table.size if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = min(n_sample, 50) # prepare regions and determine quantifiers pathlib.Path(output_path).mkdir(exist_ok=True) tmp_dir = f'{output_path}_tmp' datasets = determine_datasets(regions, quantifiers, chrom_size_path, tmp_dir) # copy chrom_size_path to output_path['cp', '-f', chrom_size_path, f'{output_path}/chrom_sizes.txt'], check=True) chunk_records = defaultdict(dict) with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as exe: futures = {} # parallel on allc chunks and region_sets levels for i, chunk_start in enumerate(range(0, n_sample, chunk_size)): allc_chunk = allc_table[chunk_start:chunk_start + chunk_size] for region_dim, region_config in datasets.items(): chunk_path = f'{tmp_dir}/chunk_{region_dim}_{chunk_start}.zarr' f = exe.submit(count_single_zarr, allc_table=allc_chunk, region_config=region_config, obs_dim=obs_dim, region_dim=region_dim, output_path=chunk_path, obs_dim_dtype=obs_dim_dtype) futures[f] = (region_dim, i) for f in as_completed(futures): region_dim, i = futures[f] chunk_path = f.result() print(f'Chunk {i} of {region_dim} returned') chunk_records[region_dim][i] = chunk_path for region_dim, chunks in chunk_records.items(): # write chunk in order chunk_paths = pd.Series(chunks).sort_index().tolist() for i, chunk_path in enumerate(chunk_paths): ds = xr.open_zarr(chunk_path).load() # dump chunk to final place if i == 0: # first chunk ds.to_zarr(f'{output_path}/{region_dim}', mode='w') else: # append ds.to_zarr(f'{output_path}/{region_dim}', append_dim=obs_dim) rmtree(chunk_path) # save region coords to the ds bed = pd.read_csv(f'{tmp_dir}/{region_dim}.regions.csv', index_col=0) bed.columns = [f'{region_dim}_chrom', f'{region_dim}_start', f'{region_dim}_end'] = region_dim # append region bed to the saved ds ds = xr.Dataset() for col, data in bed.items(): ds.coords[col] = data # change object dtype to string for k in ds.coords.keys(): if ds.coords[k].dtype == 'O': ds.coords[k] = ds.coords[k].astype(str) ds.to_zarr(f'{output_path}/{region_dim}', mode='a') # delete tmp rmtree(tmp_dir) from ..mcds.utilities import update_dataset_config update_dataset_config(output_path, config={"region_dim": None, "ds_region_dim": {region_dim: region_dim for region_dim in datasets.keys()}, "ds_sample_dim": {region_dim: obs_dim for region_dim in datasets.keys()}}) return output_path