Source code for ALLCools.clustering.incremental_pca

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA as _IncrementalPCA
from ..count_matrix.zarr import dataset_to_array

[docs]def _normalize_per_cell(matrix, cell_sum): """Normalize matrix row sum to to cell_sum""" print("normalize per cell to CPM") if cell_sum is None: norm_vec = (matrix.sum(axis=1) + 1) / 1000000 else: norm_vec = cell_sum / 1000000 norm_vec = norm_vec.values norm_vec = norm_vec.astype(np.float32) matrix /= norm_vec[:, None] return matrix
[docs]class IncrementalPCA: def __init__( self, n_components=100, sparse=False, normalize_per_cell=True, log1p=True, scale=True, **kwargs, ): """ Perform PCA for huge dataset that exceeds physical memory. Start from the raw count matrix stored in Parameters ---------- n_components number of PCs to calculate sparse Whether treat the matrix as sparse matrix. If true, will 1) load data as sparse matrix; 2) do not perform mean center when scaling, only scale the std normalize_per_cell Normalize the matrix per cell log1p whether perform log1p transform scale whether scale the features kwargs parameters of sklearn.decomposition.IncrementalPCA """ self.pca = _IncrementalPCA(n_components=n_components, **kwargs) self.sparse = sparse self.normalize_per_cell = normalize_per_cell self.log1p = log1p self.scale = scale self.scaler = None self.cell_sum = None self.use_features = None self.obs_dim = None self.var_dim = None self.load_chunk = None self._fit = False return
[docs] def fit( self, ds, use_cells=None, use_features=None, chunk=500000, cell_sum=None, var_dim="gene", obs_dim="cell", load_chunk=None, random_shuffle=True, ): self.cell_sum = cell_sum self.use_features = use_features self.obs_dim = obs_dim self.var_dim = var_dim self.load_chunk = chunk if load_chunk is None else load_chunk # prepare index cell_index = ds.get_index(obs_dim) if use_cells is not None: cell_index = cell_index[cell_index.isin(use_cells)].copy() # random shuffle to make fitting more stable if random_shuffle: cell_order = cell_index.tolist() np.random.shuffle(cell_order) cell_order = pd.Index(cell_order) else: cell_order = cell_index # fit by chunks chunk_stds = [] chunk_means = [] for chunk_start in range(0, cell_order.size, chunk): print(f"Fitting {chunk_start}-{chunk_start + chunk}") _chunk_cells = cell_order[chunk_start : chunk_start + chunk] _chunk_matrix, _chunk_cells, _chunk_genes = dataset_to_array( ds, use_cells=_chunk_cells, use_genes=use_features, sparse=self.sparse, obs_dim=obs_dim, var_dim=var_dim, chunk=self.load_chunk, ) if cell_sum is not None: _chunk_cell_sum = cell_sum.loc[_chunk_cells] else: _chunk_cell_sum = None _chunk_matrix = _chunk_matrix.astype(np.float32) # normalize cell counts if self.normalize_per_cell: _chunk_matrix = _normalize_per_cell( matrix=_chunk_matrix, cell_sum=_chunk_cell_sum ) # log transfer if self.log1p: print("log1p transform") _chunk_matrix = np.log1p(_chunk_matrix) # scale if self.scale: print("Scale") if self.scaler is None: # assume the chunk is large enough, so only use the first chunk to fit # e.g., 5,000,000 cells self.scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=not self.sparse) _chunk_matrix = self.scaler.fit_transform(_chunk_matrix) else: # transform remaining cells _chunk_matrix = self.scaler.transform(_chunk_matrix) # save chunk stats for checking robustness chunk_stds.append(_chunk_matrix.std(axis=0)) chunk_means.append(_chunk_matrix.mean(axis=0)) # fit IncrementalPCA print("Fit PCA") self.pca.partial_fit(_chunk_matrix) self._fit = True return
[docs] def transform(self, ds, use_cells=None, chunk=100000): if not self._fit: raise ValueError("fit first before transform") cell_index = ds.get_index(self.obs_dim) if use_cells is not None: cell_index = cell_index[cell_index.isin(use_cells)].copy() total_pcs = [] for chunk_start in range(0, cell_index.size, chunk): print(f"Transforming {chunk_start}-{chunk_start + chunk}") _chunk_cells = cell_index[chunk_start : chunk_start + chunk] _chunk_matrix, _chunk_cells, _chunk_genes = dataset_to_array( ds, use_cells=_chunk_cells, use_genes=self.use_features, sparse=self.sparse, obs_dim=self.obs_dim, var_dim=self.var_dim, chunk=self.load_chunk, ) if self.cell_sum is not None: _chunk_cell_sum = self.cell_sum.loc[_chunk_cells] else: _chunk_cell_sum = None _chunk_matrix = _chunk_matrix.astype(np.float32) # normalize cell counts if self.normalize_per_cell: _chunk_matrix = _normalize_per_cell( matrix=_chunk_matrix, cell_sum=_chunk_cell_sum ) # log transfer if self.log1p: print("log1p transform") _chunk_matrix = np.log1p(_chunk_matrix) # scale if self.scale: print("Scale") if self.scaler is None: # this shouldn't happen in transform raise ValueError("scale is True, but scaler not exist") else: # transform remaining cells _chunk_matrix = self.scaler.transform(_chunk_matrix) # transform print("Transform PCA") pcs = self.pca.transform(_chunk_matrix) pcs = pd.DataFrame(pcs, index=_chunk_cells) total_pcs.append(pcs) total_pcs = pd.concat(total_pcs) return total_pcs
[docs] def fit_transform( self, ds, use_cells=None, use_features=None, chunk=500000, cell_sum=None, var_dim="gene", obs_dim="cell", load_chunk=None, random_shuffle=True, ): ds, use_cells=use_cells, use_features=use_features, chunk=chunk, cell_sum=cell_sum, var_dim=var_dim, obs_dim=obs_dim, load_chunk=load_chunk, random_shuffle=random_shuffle, ) total_pcs = self.transform(ds, use_cells=use_cells, chunk=self.load_chunk) return total_pcs