Source code for ALLCools._allc_to_region_count

import pathlib
import shlex
import subprocess
import time
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from functools import partial
from typing import List

import pandas as pd
import pybedtools

from ._doc import *
from ._extract_allc import extract_allc
from ._open import open_gz
from .utilities import (

[docs]def _bedtools_map(region_bed, site_bed, out_bed, chrom_size_path, save_zero_cov=True): """ Use bedtools map to map site_bed format into any bed file provided. """ cmd = f"bedtools map -a {region_bed} -b {site_bed} -c 4,5 -o sum,sum -null 0 -g {chrom_size_path}" print(cmd) bed_out = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf8", ) if out_bed.endswith("gz"): opener = partial(open_gz, mode="wt") else: opener = partial(open, mode="w") with opener(out_bed) as out_handle: while True: line = bed_out.stdout.readline() if line == "": break if save_zero_cov or (not line.endswith("\t0\n")): out_handle.write(line) return_code = bed_out.poll() if return_code is None: # still running bed_out.terminate() time.sleep(0.01) return_code = bed_out.poll() if return_code is not None and return_code != 0: message = raise OSError(message) return out_bed
[docs]def _map_to_sparse_chrom_bin(site_bed, out_bed, chrom_size_path, bin_size=500): """ Calculate chromosome bins regional count, output is SPARSE, bin_id constructed from chrom_size_path and can be reproduce. """ chrom_dict = parse_chrom_size(chrom_size_path) chrom_index_dict = chrom_dict_to_id_index(chrom_dict, bin_size) cur_chrom = "TOTALLY_NOT_A_CHROM" cur_chrom_end = 0 bin_end = min(cur_chrom_end, bin_size) bin_start = 0 bin_id = -1 temp_mc, temp_cov = -1, -1 with open_gz(site_bed) as in_handle, open_gz(out_bed, "w") as out_handle: # add header to indicate chromosome order for line in in_handle: # site-bed format chrom, pos, _, mc, cov = line.split("\t") pos = int(pos) mc = int(mc) cov = int(cov) if pos >= bin_end or cur_chrom != chrom: # write line if temp_cov > 0: out_handle.write( "\t".join( map( str, [ cur_chrom, bin_start, bin_end, bin_id, temp_mc, temp_cov, ], ) ) + "\n" ) # reset_chrom if cur_chrom != chrom: cur_chrom = chrom cur_chrom_end = chrom_dict[chrom] # reset bin temp_mc, temp_cov = mc, cov bin_start = int(pos // bin_size * bin_size) bin_end = min(cur_chrom_end, bin_start + bin_size) bin_id = get_bin_id(cur_chrom, chrom_index_dict, bin_start, bin_size) else: temp_mc += mc temp_cov += cov # write last piece if temp_cov > 0: out_handle.write( "\t".join( map(str, [cur_chrom, bin_start, bin_end, bin_id, temp_mc, temp_cov]) ) + "\n" ) return out_bed
@doc_params( allc_path_doc=allc_path_doc, chrom_size_path_doc=chrom_size_path_doc, mc_contexts_doc=mc_contexts_doc, cov_cutoff_doc=cov_cutoff_doc, split_strand_doc=split_strand_doc, cpu_basic_doc=cpu_basic_doc, bin_sizes_doc=bin_sizes_doc, region_bed_paths_doc=region_bed_paths_doc, region_bed_names_doc=region_bed_names_doc, binarize_doc=binarize_doc,
[docs]) def allc_to_region_count( allc_path: str, output_prefix: str, chrom_size_path: str, mc_contexts: List[str], split_strand: bool = False, region_bed_paths: List[str] = None, region_bed_names: List[str] = None, bin_sizes: List[int] = None, cov_cutoff: int = 9999, save_zero_cov: bool = False, remove_tmp: bool = True, cpu: int = 1, binarize: bool = False, ): """\ Calculate mC and cov at regional level. Region can be provided in 2 forms: 1. BED file, provided by region_bed_paths, containing arbitrary regions and use bedtools map to calculate; 2. Fix-size non-overlap genome bins, provided by bin_sizes. Form 2 is much faster to calculate than form 1. The output file is in 6-column bed-like format: chrom start end region_uid mc cov Parameters ---------- allc_path {allc_path_doc} output_prefix Path prefix of the output region count file. chrom_size_path {chrom_size_path_doc} mc_contexts {mc_contexts_doc} split_strand {split_strand_doc} region_bed_paths {region_bed_paths_doc} region_bed_names {region_bed_names_doc} bin_sizes {bin_sizes_doc} cov_cutoff {cov_cutoff_doc} save_zero_cov Whether to save the regions that have 0 cov, only apply to region count but not the chromosome count remove_tmp Whether to remove the temporary BED file cpu {cpu_basic_doc} This function parallel on region level at the extraction step and will generate a bunch of small files if cpu > 1. Do not use cpu > 1 for single cell region count. For single cell data, parallel on cell level is better. binarize {binarize_doc} Returns ------- """ cpu = int(cpu) genome_dict = parse_chrom_size(chrom_size_path) if bin_sizes is None and region_bed_paths is None: raise ValueError("Either bin_sizes or region_bed_paths should be provided.") # check bed file # 1. bgzip and tabix # 2. order of chrom should be the same as order of chrom_size_path if region_bed_paths is not None: if (region_bed_names is None) or ( len(region_bed_names) != len(region_bed_paths) ): raise ValueError("Different number of bed names and paths provided") for region_name, region_bed_path in zip(region_bed_names, region_bed_paths): if not check_tbi_chroms(region_bed_path, genome_dict): raise ValueError( f"Make sure the bed file {region_bed_path} is:" f"1. bgzip and tabixed;" f"2. chromosome order is same as the {chrom_size_path}." ) # print('Extract ALLC context') output_prefix = output_prefix.rstrip(".") strandness = "split" if split_strand else "both" output_paths_dict = extract_allc( allc_path=allc_path, output_prefix=output_prefix, mc_contexts=mc_contexts, strandness=strandness, output_format="bed5", chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, region=None, cov_cutoff=cov_cutoff, cpu=cpu, binarize=binarize, ) path_dict = {} for (mc_context, strandness, _), path in output_paths_dict.items(): # this is according to extract_allc return format info_type = f"{mc_context}-{strandness}" path_dict[info_type] = path with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as executor: futures = [] if region_bed_paths is not None: # print('Map to regions.') save_flag = "full" if save_zero_cov else "sparse" for region_name, region_bed_path in zip(region_bed_names, region_bed_paths): for info_type, site_bed_path in path_dict.items(): future = executor.submit( _bedtools_map, region_bed=region_bed_path, site_bed=site_bed_path, out_bed=output_prefix + f".{region_name}" f"_{info_type}.{save_flag}.bed.gz", chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, save_zero_cov=save_zero_cov, ) futures.append(future) if bin_sizes is not None: # print('Map to chromosome bins.') for bin_size in bin_sizes: for info_type, site_bed_path in path_dict.items(): future = executor.submit( _map_to_sparse_chrom_bin, site_bed=site_bed_path, out_bed=output_prefix + f".chrom{_transfer_bin_size(bin_size)}" f"_{info_type}.sparse.bed.gz", chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, bin_size=bin_size, ) futures.append(future) output_collection = [] for future in as_completed(futures): # call all future.result to make sure finished successfully output_collection.append(future.result()) if remove_tmp: # print('Remove temporal files.') for site_bed_path in path_dict.values():["rm", "-f", site_bed_path])["rm", "-f", site_bed_path + ".tbi"]) # TODO collect all output path, return a informative dict return output_collection
[docs]def batch_allc_to_region_count( allc_series, output_dir, chrom_size_path, mc_contexts, split_strand, bin_sizes=None, region_bed_paths=None, region_bed_names=None, cov_cutoff=9999, cpu=5, binarize=False, ): output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir).resolve() output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # dump region_bed_path to output_dir for future records if region_bed_paths is not None: new_paths = [] for region_bed_name, region_bed_path in zip(region_bed_names, region_bed_paths): # sort by chrom sizes, bgzip and tabix bed_df = pd.read_csv(region_bed_path, sep="\t", header=None) chrom_size = parse_chrom_size(chrom_size_path) bed_df = bed_df[bed_df.iloc[:, 0].isin(chrom_size.keys())].copy() bed_sorted_df = ( pybedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe(bed_df) .sort(g=chrom_size_path) .to_dataframe() ) new_path = str(output_dir / f"{region_bed_name}.bed") bed_sorted_df.to_csv(new_path, sep="\t", index=None, header=None)["bgzip", "-f", new_path], check=True)["tabix", "-f", f"{new_path}.gz"], check=True) new_path = f"{new_path}.gz" new_paths.append(new_path) # save hdf bed_df = pd.read_csv(new_path, header=None, index_col=3, sep="\t") bed_df.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end"] = region_bed_name bed_df["int_id"] = list(range(0, bed_df.shape[0])) bed_df["int_id"].to_hdf( output_dir / f"REGION_ID_{region_bed_name}.hdf", key="data" ) bed_df.iloc[:, :3].to_hdf( output_dir / f"REGION_BED_{region_bed_name}.hdf", key="data" ) region_bed_paths = new_paths if bin_sizes is not None: for bin_size in bin_sizes: bin_size_chr = _transfer_bin_size(bin_size) region_name = f"chrom{bin_size_chr}" bed_df = generate_chrom_bin_bed_dataframe( chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, window_size=bin_size, step_size=bin_size, ) bed_df["int_id"] = list(range(0, bed_df.shape[0])) bed_df["int_id"].to_hdf( output_dir / f"REGION_ID_{region_name}.hdf", key="data" ) bed_df.iloc[:, :3].to_hdf( output_dir / f"REGION_BED_chrom{bin_size_chr}.hdf", key="data" ) with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as executor: futures = {} for cell_id, allc_path in allc_series.iteritems(): future = executor.submit( allc_to_region_count, allc_path=allc_path, output_prefix=str(output_dir / cell_id), chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, mc_contexts=mc_contexts, split_strand=split_strand, region_bed_paths=region_bed_paths, region_bed_names=region_bed_names, bin_sizes=bin_sizes, cov_cutoff=cov_cutoff, save_zero_cov=False, remove_tmp=True, cpu=1, binarize=binarize, ) futures[future] = cell_id records = {} finish_count = 0 for future in as_completed(futures): cell_id = futures[future] try: output_path_collect = future.result() records[cell_id] = output_path_collect except Exception as e: print(f"{cell_id} raised an error!") raise e finish_count += 1 if finish_count % 100 == 0: print(f"{finish_count} allc-to-region-count finished.") path_records = [] for file_id, out_paths in records.items(): for path in out_paths: file_name = pathlib.Path(path).name *_, region_mc_type_strand, _, _, _ = file_name.split(".") region_name, mc_type, strandness = region_mc_type_strand.replace( "_", "-" ).split("-") path_dict = { "region_name": region_name, "mc_type": mc_type, "strandness": strandness, "file_id": file_id, "file_path": path, } path_records.append(path_dict) path_df = pd.DataFrame(path_records) path_df.to_hdf(output_dir / "REGION_COUNT_SUMMARY.hdf", key="data") return