Source code for ALLCools._allc_to_bigwig

This file is modified from methylpy

import logging
import shlex
import subprocess
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed

from ._doc import *
from ._extract_allc import extract_allc
from ._open import open_allc
from .utilities import parse_chrom_size

# logger
[docs]log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def _allc_to_bedgraph( allc_path, out_prefix, chrom_size_path, remove_additional_chrom=False, bin_size=50 ): """ Simply calculate cov and mc_rate for fixed genome bins. No mC context filter. """ chrom_dict = parse_chrom_size(chrom_size_path) cur_chrom = "TOTALLY_NOT_A_CHROM" cur_chrom_end = 0 bin_start = 0 bin_end = min(cur_chrom_end, bin_size) temp_mc, temp_cov = 0, 0 out_prefix = out_prefix.rstrip(".") out_frac = out_prefix + "" out_cov = out_prefix + "" with open_allc(allc_path) as allc, open(out_frac, "w") as frac_handle, open( out_cov, "w" ) as cov_handle: for line in allc: chrom, pos, _, _, mc, cov, *_ = line.split("\t") pos = int(pos) mc = int(mc) cov = int(cov) if pos >= bin_end or cur_chrom != chrom: # reset_chrom if cur_chrom != chrom: try: this_chrom_end = chrom_dict[chrom] except KeyError as e: # chrom not in chrom size file if remove_additional_chrom: continue else: raise e cur_chrom_end = this_chrom_end # write line after confirm the chrom if temp_cov > 0: mc_level = temp_mc / temp_cov frac_handle.write( "\t".join(map(str, [cur_chrom, bin_start, bin_end, mc_level])) + "\n" ) cov_handle.write( "\t".join(map(str, [cur_chrom, bin_start, bin_end, temp_cov])) + "\n" ) cur_chrom = chrom # only update chrom after wrote the cur line, cause this may belong to last chrom # reset bin _bin_start = (pos - 1) // bin_size * bin_size if _bin_start == bin_start: # this only happens when pos == cur_chrom_end, # we don't want the last base, just ignore it, usually happens at chrM last base... temp_mc, temp_cov = 0, 0 else: temp_mc, temp_cov = mc, cov bin_start = _bin_start bin_end = min(cur_chrom_end, bin_start + bin_size) else: temp_mc += mc temp_cov += cov # write last piece if there is anything if temp_cov > 0: mc_level = temp_mc / temp_cov frac_handle.write( "\t".join(map(str, [cur_chrom, bin_start, bin_end, mc_level])) + "\n" ) cov_handle.write( "\t".join(map(str, [cur_chrom, bin_start, bin_end, temp_cov])) + "\n" ) print(f"Finish generate bedgraph for {allc_path}") return out_frac, out_cov
[docs]def _bedgraph_to_bigwig( input_file, chrom_size_path, path_to_wigtobigwig, remove_bedgraph=True ): output_file = input_file.rstrip(".bg") + ".bw" cmd = ( f"{path_to_wigtobigwig}wigToBigWig {input_file} {chrom_size_path} {output_file}" ), check=True) if remove_bedgraph:"rm -f {input_file}"), check=True) print(f"Finish generate bigwig for {input_file}") return output_file
@doc_params( allc_path_doc=allc_path_doc, chrom_size_path_doc=chrom_size_path_doc, mc_contexts_doc=mc_contexts_doc, split_strand_doc=split_strand_doc, remove_additional_chrom_doc=remove_additional_chrom_doc, region_doc=region_doc, cov_cutoff_doc=cov_cutoff_doc,
[docs]) def allc_to_bigwig( allc_path, output_prefix, chrom_size_path, mc_contexts, split_strand=False, bin_size=50, remove_additional_chrom=False, region=None, cov_cutoff=9999, path_to_wigtobigwig="", remove_temp=True, cpu=1, ): """\ Generate bigwig file(s) from 1 ALLC file. Parameters ---------- allc_path {allc_path_doc} output_prefix Output prefix of the bigwig file(s) chrom_size_path {chrom_size_path_doc} mc_contexts {mc_contexts_doc} split_strand {split_strand_doc} bin_size Minimum bin size of bigwig file remove_additional_chrom {remove_additional_chrom_doc} region {region_doc} cov_cutoff {cov_cutoff_doc} path_to_wigtobigwig Path to wigtobigwig to allow allcools to find it remove_temp debug parameter, whether to remove the temp file or not cpu Number of cores to use Returns ------- """ if bin_size is None: bin_size = 50 # test wigToBigWig p = f"{path_to_wigtobigwig}wigToBigWig", stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf8" ) if p.returncode != 255: # somehow, the p.returncode is 255 when set correctly... raise OSError(f"Try {path_to_wigtobigwig}wigToBigWig, got error {p.stderr}") strandness = "split" if split_strand else "both" # prepare bedgraph extracted_allc_path_dict = extract_allc( allc_path=allc_path, output_prefix=output_prefix, mc_contexts=mc_contexts, chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, strandness=strandness, output_format="allc", region=region, cov_cutoff=cov_cutoff, tabix=False, cpu=cpu, ) extracted_allc_paths = list(extracted_allc_path_dict.values()) with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as executor: # generate bigwig file allc_future_dict = {} for path in extracted_allc_paths: future = executor.submit( _allc_to_bedgraph, allc_path=path, out_prefix=str(path).rstrip( ".allc.tsv.gz" ), # use extracted ALLC prefix chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, remove_additional_chrom=remove_additional_chrom, bin_size=bin_size, ) allc_future_dict[future] = path for future in as_completed(allc_future_dict): output_paths = future.result() for path in output_paths: executor.submit( _bedgraph_to_bigwig, input_file=path, chrom_size_path=chrom_size_path, path_to_wigtobigwig=path_to_wigtobigwig, remove_bedgraph=remove_temp, ) if remove_temp:["rm", "-f"] + extracted_allc_paths, check=True) return